Chapter Sixty - One - I dream of Djinn

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I take dad's old car, he usually keeps it for emergency or whatever but since he has Cassie he won't really need it for anything for a while. I'll return it after we stop this monster; dad gave me a spare backpack from the hallway closet tucking the blade, blood and a few other items into it. My heart is thudding against my ribs as I drive through the afternoon, somehow, I know Dean and Sam aren't going to be heading straight to our home if their grandad is involved; what does the old man know anyway? I tried to call Dean several times, but his phone went straight to voicemail, I grunt tossing the object onto the seat beside my feet angry that he's ignoring me; he's the one who decided to leave in the first place after his brother mysteriously showed up after a year of staying away.

I'm exhausted I can feel it deep in my bones, my eyes are heavy as hell too, but I've got to beat them to our house for some reason I feel like that's the best option especially if Dean was jumped around the neighborhood. From what dad said Djinn can look like any normal human except their touch is toxic putting you in a dream like state or give you hallucinations until it drives you mad enough to get yourself killed. That shit was happening to Dean, what would have happened if Sam wouldn't have come around to save him? Would Dean be dead now? Would he have hurt me or Cassie? I shake the thoughts away, he's good now not going to kill any of his family at least I hoped he wouldn't anyway.

My house is still dark when I get there, the night is quiet around the neighborhood except the dining room light is on in Sid's place but there's no sign of them; I park the car around the block then high tail it to the house. I unlock the garage and go through there not wanting to turn on any lights in case someone or something is lurking in wait. I go into the living room tripping over Cassie's toys we forgot to put away, but I keep myself upright, the house is clear as far as I can tell; I take a seat in the large lazy boy Dean had to have and spin it around so it faces the wall behind it to surprise Dean and the others when and if they show up. The bag dad lent me sits at my feet, I have the silver blade in hand not dipped in blood yet however I twirl it around just waiting; after about another hour or so the back door to the house creaks open slowly and several pairs of footsteps come tromping through my house no doubt dragging in dirt and debris. There's some scuffling and hushed words as the group comes in then Dean's voice snarky and cold, "do me a favor, don't touch that."

"Golf? Really?" Sam asks, he must have found Dean's club collection by the back door, "its..its a sport."

I don't spin the chair around just yet waiting for the right opportunity.

"Nice house," a deeper voice comments.

"Oh yeah, go ahead say it," Dean mocks, "call me a 'soccer mom', whatever."

He walks ahead of the others coming closer to the living room.

"'Soccer mom' huh? Well, I'll have to look that up on the intranet." Who the hell doesn't know about the internet and who in their right mind calls it that? "you know, believe it or not. I...I get it, Dean. You wanted a normal life. You mom wanted a normal life, too. You remind me of her actually; the attitude, for one thing." I can just hear Dean grinding his teeth, "your brother tell you what we been dealing with the past few months?"

"No, not really," Dean states

Just then I decide to turn the chair around pulling the chain on the light next to me like in those romance movies; the woman catching her husband coming in late from a visit with their lover; all eyes hit me at that moment some even raising weapons in my direction. Dean's are wide in surprise as is the older gentleman; who must be their grandfather.

"Who the hell are you?" the old man snaps.

"I'd watch your tongue in my house," I snap.

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