Chapter One hundred and Two - Superman and Kryptonite

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Castiel has a firm grip on my upper arm as we appear in the middle of an old hunting lodge; two demons standing before a desk turn to glare then they come at us and he releases me to grab their faces and slams them onto the hard wood of the floor smiting them in an instant. The guy at the desk I'm assuming is Ellsworth pushes himself away from his work to smoke out of his meatsuit when Cas jumps him jamming his demonic body back into the human then smites him too. He orders me to clean up the bodies and clear out all evidence while he searches the grounds for stragglers, I curse him under my breath since I have no choice but to obey because the damn collar around my throat; the house is practically wiped clean after Cass checks over the things and nods that he's happy with the result even if he's not at the same time.

"You think Sam and Dean will just see how clean things are then leave without a second thought?"

"I'm hoping," he mutters, "Crowley will kill them otherwise, you know this."

He's right of course, the alliance is pretty much over even if the King of Hell did save me well sort of; I sit against the far wall of the home waiting for about two whole days before dad and Sam come bursting through the front door as Cass turns us invisible to the human eye as we hear Dean coming through the back with the all clear on his end.

"This is usually the point where we call Cass for help," Dean states.

"We talked about this," dad argues and Sam agrees but his brother isn't happy with either of them, "no, you talked. I listened. This is Cass, guys I mean, when there was no one and we were stuck – and I mean really stuck – he broke ranks. He has gone to the mat cut and bleeding for us so many freakin' times. This is Cass! Don't we owe him the benefit of the doubt at least?"

I glare at the Angel in question who is standing his mouth half open, I hope those words sting maybe make his decision to work with Crowley seem dumb.

"Castiel..." Sam starts, "this is really important, okay? Um...we need to talk to you."

He doesn't move doesn't gesture to make either of us visible to them and Dean groans obviously frustrated with his so called friend.

"Castiel..." Dean begs, "come on. And if...if you know where Melanie is, bring her back to me. Please." Again when no choice has been made to move to them or appear they turn as one to head out again, "Cass is busy."

"That's alright we are too. Come on." Sam encourages.

"Back to square one," dad states.

I look down at the floor in defeat and in agitation because I can't do a damn thing since I'm being controlled by an Angel; just as they are almost out the door Sam shouts for his brother who is plowed over by a brute of a demon. My eyes move to Castiel who's watching in fear, said demon attacking Dean announces that Crowley says hi, at this Cass comes over and in a commanding voice he says, "you will not give them any information on Crowley and I's alliance, you asked for the collar for your own protection because you had become reckless in your grief; you understand?" I nod even if it's not the truth, he's using the collar against me again by now both Sam, Dean and dad are being overwhelmed by more demons that have come through the windows near the front door.

"You've screwed the pooch fellas!" I shout no longer held behind an invisible barrier; my power flings the demon wailing on Dean backwards and smash into the wall right next to the front door.

Moving faster than a normal person I reach into Dean's jacket, pull the demon knife from the inside pocket and launch myself at the assaulting demon who's disoriented until I bury the blade in his chest piercing his heart instantly; I watch in amusement as the demon light flickers then fades out and I shove the body away where it thuds to the ground. Cass has already smitted the other two that were attacking Sam and my father. Turning back around bloody blade in hand finding Dean getting to his feet eyes wide in surprise, he still looks rough around the edges the bags under his eyes larger than normal.

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