Chapter 180 - Vesta

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I come around to a loud commotion and Jody screaming; picking myself up I see the Goddess at least I think it's her, with the stake in one hand hovering over Jody. Trying to distract her with bleary eyes, I shoot a few rounds into her back which makes her assault on the sheriff stop and she looks at me over her shoulder.

"You've got spunk," she murmurs and kicks Jody once, "I like that."

"Yeah, well I got more where that came from," I growl, "come and get it bitch!"

Before she gets up, she jams the stake into Jody's shoulder making the older woman howl in pain and I growl in frustration and run full tilt at the pair football tackling the Goddess; both of us go flying for a few feet then land hard on the barn floor. With her power she sends me rolling across the floor and slam hard into one of the stall doors, she gets up brushing dirt off her clothes, "this'll hurt a little bit." She raises her hand, two of her fingers are covered in blue flames, they slam into my abdomen which makes me scream in agony however, she pulls back grabbing me by the hair to look me dead in the eye.

"What's wrong with you!?" she asks in horror and I just stare at her, "your liver it's – it's no good. Young lady, you're all duct tape and safety pins inside, how are you alive?"

Before I can get any words out Jody appears behind the Goddess and slams home the stake into her chest from behind, Vesta's body bursts into flames then falls to the ground dead. Jody helps me upright with her good hand as Sammy comes around from across the barn and just then the trapdoor pops open to reveal Dean's head, "what did I miss?"

The next day Jody is packing her things one handed with my help, her arm is in a sling and she's paler than usual but seems to be alright all things considered.

"So uh you're heading back to Sioux Falls then?" I ask and she nods, "I'd tell you and the boys to stay out of trouble, but what's the point?"

She smiles as we all hug her goodbye, Sam squeezes her a little too hard and she makes a face at him.

"Drive Safe," Sam says and she nods, "thanks."

She leaves muttering about no one getting the door for her then she's gone; ignoring the two of them I start to pack my own things when Dean grabs me by the shoulder and turns me to face him, the bathroom door is shut meaning Sam has left us alone to talk.

"I have nothing to say to you," I mutter trying to pull away, "I want to go home so leave me to pack."

"It's not what you think," he murmurs.

"Oh yeah? Then why did Vesta take you and that woman?"

"Look Mel, I was walking her home, honest, but," he hesitates for a second and I pull from his grip, "see exactly, just don't anymore. It's done."

The room is full of tension as I continue to pack my bag and then Sam comes out; I turn to both of them.

"You know that Goddess, Vesta, told me something," both eyes are on me, "she said something was wrong with me like I was barley being held together, do you two know anything?"

"Mel, it's been a long few weeks," Sam says, "you did the trials and stopped, there was probably bound to be some kind of physical or internal consequence from that."

"But she said... said I was like dead inside," I mutter.

"So you could trust a monster like that?" Dean asks and I glare at him, "why would she lie?"

"It's not like the flu Lennie," Dean says using a nickname he hasn't in a long while, "after all you were glowing with freaking trial juice, remember?"

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