Chapter Twenty-Three - Your Destiny

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We reappear in a room that kind of looks like a motel room we were originally staying in but cheerier; I sit at the small table in the middle of the room breathing deeply; that's not something I'm gonna get used to luckily the contents in my stomach stayed put.

"Your boys will end up here eventually," the Trickster says, "but for now I'd like to have a one-on-one chat with the famous Melanie Singer and Dean Winchester's partner; if that's alright with you?"

I nod afraid to open my mouth because something might come up, he can tell I don't feel well and a bottle of water appears in front of my clasped hands.

"Sorry about that," he says sincerely, "having a kiddo on board must not be easy." I take a few sips of water then clear my throat, "what do you want me for?"

"I know what role you play in the Battle Royale with Michael and Lucifer and I know you've seen the possible future if Dean-o continually says no."

"How do you know all this, you're just some Trickster," I mutter.

"Come on," he urges, "deep down you know I'm not just some run of the mill Trickster, I'm much more than that."

He waves a hand and the outdated TV by the far wall turns on, looks like the boys made it through the Dr. Sexy show and have moved on to some Japanese show called 'The Nutcracker'; Trickster laughs as Sam takes a hit to the balls.

"That's cruel," I hiss, "they want your help and yet you put them through this torture crap."

I look away from the TV not amused by his sense of humor, the bean in my belly squirms and I touch my stomach automatically; his eyes watch me closely looking for signs of stress as if he's afraid something will happen.

"Look, Melanie, I know who you are and I know you've heard what happened with Dean at the Mystery spot," soft music is playing from the TV the guys are in some kind of STD commercial or something, "but I want you to understand why I'm doing this to your boys; it's for the greater good."

"What greater good?"

"They need to play their parts, end this crappy thing once and for all and let the chips fall where they may; you have to help convince your man to say yes to Michael."

"No," I snap, "no I will not lose him to two idiots who are out for vengeance; I will not let my child grow up without its father." He sighs in frustration, "I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me with no other choice," his hand snakes out touching two fingers to my head and I swim in and out of consciousness.


A male voice booms through my head as if it was prerecorded waiting for the right moment to play.

Michael and Lucifer will fight and the end will come near; however a warrior at Michael's side will be the savior of humanity. She is born of truest of loves with power undeniable by others; that potential power however will not be unleashed until she herself finds true love and then and only then will she be ready for Michael.



"How was that funny?" Dean grunts, "Vultures."

"What thing," Dean says, "the Trickster?"

"We do that, the world will end," Sam states.

"What will happen to me?"

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