Chapter Forty - Four - Let's Have a Wedding!

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The next morning Jody calls the house phone to tell us that we need to be at the courthouse around two if we still wanted to get married; Cassie had gotten up four times through the night for food and a diaper change. Dean and I took turns with her, he even managed to get her into a fresh diaper without my help; I stayed awake watching him care for her even though I could be getting extra sleep, but it made my heart full to see him so happy and carefree with her. I can always see the glimpse of alertness in his eyes when he wasn't looking at her though, which shows just how much all of this mess is getting to him.

After our short phone conversation, I send dad and the boys out to get some nice clothes, what dad has is good enough, but I don't want the boys to use their F.B.I gear for something like this; it's too special. Once they're out of the driveway I put Cassie in her bouncer seat, she seems to like that more than her swing now probably cause the swing tends to put her to sleep more often than not. I need to run upstairs to the attic, but I hesitate on leaving her alone, but I'm only going to be a minute however I put a small line of salt on my window and in the doorway; it won't keep out angels, but it'll keep out demons and the like. I pull the steps down in the hallway dust flying about, I can see her moving both arms in the air above her head as I climb the creaky old steps and pull the string turning on the only light in the attic. Dad may have moved mom's stuff up here, but he didn't really label anything, so I dig for a while keeping an ear out for Cassie in case she needs me; however as I'm looking through the last box near the back of the attic I swear I see someone out of the corner of my eye.

"Won't be long now," someone whispers.

My skin prickles in a cold sweat, who the hell is in the house with me? The voice murmurs some more but I don't move afraid to turn and find who or whatever it is; I swear I feel someone brush the skin at the back of my neck and I whirl sending a blast of energy towards it knocking boxes over the light above the stairs swinging wildly.

"Just my imagination," I breathe, "get what you need and get out of here."

I don't acknowledge the fact that I blew half the attic apart with whatever magic I wield instead I hurriedly dig through the last box and find one of mom's white sundresses; she hardly ever wore white because she was afraid of ruining it with her constant baking. I throw the dress over my shoulder and rush from the attic then put the stairs back up clearing the hallway; Cassie is playing with the dust mites or whatever is in the air that she can see. Stripping out of my usual clothes I toss them on the bed making the dust mites swirl more which excites her; I pull the dress on not needing a bra because it's tight enough against my breasts from breastfeeding; my little one will have to live with being bottle fed until after the ceremony at least.

The fabric is soft against my skin but breathable, the air outside is warm so I open the window letting in a slight breeze which disturbs the salt line but I'm here now so I'm not worried; I grab Cassie and baby seat from the floor and carry them both to the bathroom so I can brush out my hair and pull it up into a messy bun. I've never been one to care about looks especially being a hunter, the flannel and jeans are the common look for most people, but Dean has somehow seen the beauty behind all of that.

"Your daddy's something special," I whisper putting her back in the bouncer, "as are you my little flower."

She touches my face with a hand and I kiss it enjoying the smell of her skin, new babies always smell so good I can't wait until Dean and I give her a bath for the first time. I get to my feet and pull my brush from the drawer under the sink; I stare at myself in the mirror while I do it. There are bags under my eyes from stress, lack of sleep, being a hunter and being a new mother; I look away then what does Dean see in me that he hasn't seen in someone else? I can feel the scars on my head as I brush and weave my fingers through my hair while pulling it back into a bun; a few stray hairs poke out from it, but it looks natural. I pull a few hairs from the front making a very small curtain on the right side of my face; satisfied for the most part with what I see I turn picking my daughter up from her seat and carry her back to our room.

"Let's get you all fancy, how does that sound?" I poke her nose gently with a finger, "you'll be the prettiest girl there."

She doesn't like it when I pull on a pair of baby tights or when I pull the fluffy yellow dress over her head but the light catches on the glitter at her legs which distracts her for a while. Just as we're about to head down the steps the front door opens, Sam comes in first followed by dad who's being pushed by Dean. The two boys are wearing dark jeans, each one a slightly lighter shade than the other with a button up flannel shirt; Dean's is red and black while Sam's is blue and green.

"You guys clean up nice," I smile.

All eyes look up at both of us on the stairs.

"Mel," Dean breathes, "you look amazing."

He lets go of dad's chair extending a hand to help me down the stairs with a baby on my hip, once both of my feet are planted safely on the floor, he pulls us against his chest resting his head on top of mine.

"I missed my girls," he breathes, "are you ready?"

I nod.

"Jody's waiting at the courthouse," Dad announces, "let's get a move on you love birds."

Dean takes Cassie from me to get her in the car seat, she squawks a little but when Dean gives her the binky she quiets down hopefully she'll be sated enough until after the ceremony. Sam runs upstairs for me to get the diaper bag and sandals that I forgot to bring down, once he's back he throws the bag over his shoulder after depositing my shoes on the floor by my feet. Dad's chair just barely fits in the trunk of the Impala, him and I sit in the back on either side of Cassie's car seat while Sam and Dean sit up front, I wonder if he remembered the rings or if Sam or dad has them, but I shake my head not wanting to stress myself out today.

Jody's truck is parked in a space and Dean pulls in beside it he helps dad get out and into his chair while Sam helps me get Cassie's seat out and carries her for me. Dean grabs the diaper bag while reaching for my hand which I take happily, we lead the way with Sam and Dad bringing up the rear; this is actually happening I'm marrying Dean Winchester who'd have thought that either of us would tie the knot let alone have a baby together. When we get inside Jody is there in a maroon dress her hair styled out away from her face, she smiles and swoops in for a hug then pulls away looking both of us over, "you're looking good," she coos but doesn't mention my eyes like Dean and Sam did, but I don't let that bother me it's something that she probably wouldn't understand right now anyway, "now where is that baby!"

I turn gesturing to Sam who's coming in with dad Cassie's seat in his lap, Jody looks to me for permission and I nod she's always been like a mother to me and I won't deny her this little bit of happiness after everything that has happened to her life. Dean squeezes my hand as we watch her pick up our daughter holding the little one against her chest, it's obvious that with just one look and Cassie has those who meet her wrapped around her finger with just a blink of an eye.

"She's going to be a handful," Dean sighs.

"Yeah, but she'll be our handful and I can't wait to watch her become something great."

He goes to kiss me but Jody scolds him about affection before the ceremony; she leads the way with our baby in her arms into the small room where the tables have been pushed aside and an older man stands at the end waiting for us. Jody pulls Dean and Sam along the best she can handing Cassie off to her uncle, Dad takes my arm with his hand since he can't walk and we go down the aisle together and I can't help but grin at what's about to happen.



"No," I grit my teeth, "how dare you ruin this for me!"

"You're stronger than I thought," he comments,"I like that."

I reach down under the seat for an Angel blade and bury in the now empty seat growling under my breath.

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