Chapter Six - Ambush!

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Dean and Sam are back, we have a few people making salt shells, Ellen's repeatedly showing Roger how to load one of the shotguns however it's still not going so well and I can see the frustration all over her face when she looks away from the man; I still can't forget earlier and how he looked when we were talking about our current situation. Sam is showing the expecting couple the same thing which they are taking to with no problems and Dean is sitting with the young man from before talking weapons and he disassembles his automatic weapon with ease to Dean's surprise. Once Sam is satisfied with the people's teachings he goes and sits alone in one of the abandoned chairs, it looks like he has something on his mind, so I join him pulling up a chair right next to him.

"Hey," I greet.


"Everything okay?" He doesn't say anything. "Sam, you know you can tell me anything, you're family to me and if that don't mean much then I'm not doing my job properly."

"I killed two teenagers," he admits softly, "they were just kids."

"They were possessed, right?" He nods, "then you had no other choice, it's kill or be killed and you did the right thing, those evil sons of bitches need put away no matter the costs sometimes."

"I wish I could save people," he admits, "like I used to."

I turn my head to look at him confused and he looks up eyes wide realizing I don't know what happened with him before.

"Ruby, she was a demon; I killed Lilith by drinking demon blood;" he explains, "I don't know if you remember but it all came down to the yellow eyed demon," I nod remembering a little bit, "well when I was on the demon blood I could pull the demon out of the person it was possessing, Ruby showed me how to do it without hurting myself too much and more often than not save the person inside."

"Sam, that sounds like more trouble than its worth. Drinking demon blood that's not...that's not normal."

"I know, I see that now but back then I thought I was doing the right thing."

Ellen walks by us a shotgun in hand and several rounds tucked into her belt.

"Where are you going?" Dean asks.

"I can't sit here on my ass, my daughter's out there somewhere," she says, "I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get these people out of here."

Sam and I stand up blocking her path to the door.

"No wait, I'll go with you," Sam announces.

"You're gonna go out there again?" Dean snaps.

"Well, crap doesn't hit the fan with coffee breaks."

Dean and Sam start arguing about whose going and who's not, while they're going at it I load myself up with a shotgun and several salt rounds, "come on Ellen, let's go find Jo Jo and let the boys fight this out," I mutter ignoring their protests. I know Ellen and I are capable of finding Jo on our own, I'm just as capable as the guys are at protecting someone, I've been on my own for quite a while they seem to forget that now that we've reunited. Ellen and I make our way back down Main Street past the house with the sprinkler that's still running the ground sopping wet and muddy.

"Where'd you see her last?" I ask after that.

"Up ahead, just beyond where I found you and the boys."

We continue forwards in silence on alert, nerves dancing with fear and excitement.

"What's going on with Sam and Dean?" she asks.

"Honestly, I have no clue. Something happened between them with the end of the world thing," I shrug, "they'll figure it out sooner or later that they're family and can't live without the other."

"Just like you and Dean?" she asks and I blush, "I see the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention and vice versa."

"It's something alright," I mutter, "it's almost like we were never separated and yet what we feel for each other has seemed to grow stronger over that time." I change the subject quite abruptly then by saying, "so kind of surprised you let Jo hunt full time, weren't you always saying that she couldn't hack the life?" Ellen sighs in a defeated and annoyed way, "she can't, but if she's gonna do it anyway..." she trails off and I add, "might as well keep an eye on her."

After another long while Ellen points out smoke coming from above the trees, its odd demons don't usually feel anything let alone feel cold so what the hell is that fire for? I take the lead heading towards the large house on the corner when we're ambushed, Jo has appeared taking out her mother and they roll across the pavement, I smash my own weapon into someone's chest seeing nothing but black eyes in my vision; not wanting to hurt Jo too much so I haul off hitting her with a salt round to the leg and she falls back a few steps from her mother.

"Ellen get out of here!" I shout as someone slams into my backside, "get out of my friend you evil skank!" Jo shouts finally catching sight of me and my eyes widen in surprise as far as I know I'm not possessed by anything and yet she called me an evil skank. A butt of a gun nails me in the stomach forcing me to bend over out of breath and Rufus appears, his eyes are black too like Jo's and yet they're attacking us as if we're the ones possessed.

"Got you now," Rufus grunts, "you bastard."

My vision swirls as he pinches the nerves on my neck making my world go dark.



"Rufus, Jo please it's me!"

"As if you know me," I hiss.

"She said they were coming!" he shouts as he goes away, "she said they're coming to get us!"

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