Chapter Twenty - Eight - A Hunting we will Go

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I'm quiet on the way back holding the images in my hand; Dean is practically bouncing in his seat, but I can see the tension settling back into his bones as we get closer to dad's place; however he doesn't let that get to him as he takes my hand kissing the back of it then sets it on his leg. I squeeze his thigh while he drives, a grin still plastered on his face, I don't want to destroy his happiness with my fears so I just enjoy the moment with him while I can until we have to face reality again. All the lights are on in the house when we pull up, he helps me out again while I clutch the images to my chest; I'm more nervous about having this baby now more than I was before I was hoping that the future was wrong and it'd be a boy but I shake my head in frustration I can't blame the child for what she turned out to be. I'll love her anyway like any good mother should.

When I open the front door Jo jumps us from the study begging to see the ultrasound images, but Ellen yells at her daughter to behave; I can smell alcohol in the air and know that the time is coming closer and closer to going after the devil this could be our last night on earth except for dad who's stuck in the chair. Cass and Ellen are seated at the kitchen table doing shots, he knocks back at least five or six before he declares that he might actually feel something; dad's in the study setting up a camera for some reason and I join him nudging his chair with my foot.

"How'd it go?" he asks.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to go," I say instead of answering his question, "I know how much you wanted to."

He turns to face me, "girl, Dean is the daddy of that baby he deserved to go more than I did, besides," he extends a hand, "you brought back a present for me to see, right?" he raises an eyebrow and I nod handing the images to him.

I watch his eyes wander over them then he lands on the last one that has the sex of the child on it; his eyes water and I see a smile form wrinkles on his cheeks. He then tucks the images into his breast pocket and wheels to the camera again.

"Everybody get in here!" dad shouts, "it's time for the lineup, usual suspects in the corner."

Sam followed by Ellen comes in first.

"Oh come on Bobby," she complains, "nobody wants their picture taken."

"Hear hear," Sam grunts and dad huffs, "shut up, you're drinking my beer."

Castiel appears followed by Jo and Dean; I raise an eyebrow at him because her cheeks are pinker than normal and I wonder if she hit on him while she's currently intoxicated. I join them in the line up next to Dean and Castiel; his hand splays across my baby belly as dad wheels himself towards us.

"Anyway," he says, "I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by."

"Ha!" Ellen barks a laugh, "always good to have an optimist around."

"Bobby's right," Castiel states in a somber tone, "tomorrow we hunt the devil; this is our last night on Earth."

The camera goes off, the flash blinds us while capturing our sad and doomed little group one last time.


The next morning dad and I have a pretty loud verbal fight each of us on either side of his study so I'm sure everyone in the place heard us; it'd finally come out that I'd be going with the group to take out Lucifer; his eyes got real wide, cheeks flared with red and he said a bunch of things I know he didn't really mean but I can't let Dean go without me; I just can't. When we left, he didn't say goodbye or really notice me at all which made tears form in my eyes, but I held them in until we were on the road; I sniffled and hiccupped for a long time while Dean was driving, so he didn't do much but watch me through the rearview mirror of the Impala. Sam hands me a few tissues from the glovebox and squeezes my hand when I took them from him and I appreciate the gesture, what if something does happen to me and the last thing dad did was cuss me out and not say goodbye? I could have been the bigger one to say it but I'm a Singer and stubborn like my father, so I didn't want to be the one to give in. After a while my cries go silent, run out of tears and I just hold my chest with my arms trying not to feel the pain resting there; the silence alerts Dean and he looks over his shoulder at me, but I don't look at him just the back of the front seat too caught up in my own head.

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