Chapter Fifty - Nine - Spidey Sense

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The next morning Dean went to do some running for me since he wasn't needed at the shop today; while he's out I meet the mailman at the post box because I had special ordered something for Dean a while back after everything he's done for his small family.

"Mornin' Mrs. Winchester," the mail man greets.

"Good morning," I smile, "got a package for me today?"

He nods reaching into his bag, its small enough that he could just carry it while he walked up and down the street.

"I don't want to worry you," he starts to hand the package over, "but I believe I saw your husband with a gun earlier," I raise an eyebrow, "said he thought there was a rabid animal."

"Thank you," I hug the package to my chest, "I'll talk with him about it when he gets home."

I tell him goodbye and he tips his hat at me then continues on his way; he saw Dean with a gun? What the hell is he doing carrying a weapon? Sighing heavily I go back inside where Cassie is trying to pull herself onto the couch; but when she sees me over her shoulder, she drops down onto her butt a smile on her face to try and hide her sneaky deed. When I don't scold her for her adventures she turns back around to try again, the worse thing she'll do is bump her head on the floor or actually make it up onto the cushions and sit there for a while. I take the package still clutched to my chest into the kitchen, I've been waiting for this thing forever and yet somehow, I'm nervous about giving it to him after our short conversation about going back to the hunting life, but how can we with Cassie? I love her so much to want to protect her but sitting at home with my thumb up my ass just isn't cutting it; something could come along to take her or worse. Shivering I put the package down on the table and search for the scissors in one of our junk drawers which contains batteries, light bulbs, tape among other things I think every family has a junk drawer or two in their house.

Under the postal wrappings and the brown paper is a solid wooden box with the word Winchester burned into it in a western style font; my fingers skim over the word and I smile to myself. I unhook the latch of the lid and push it open where it stays upright on the hinges, there's paper shredded like hay or something, so I have to dig for the item buried underneath all of it. My hands touch cool metal after another minute of digging, Cassie has come out of the room dragging one of her toys with her a fist in her mouth.

"Mum!" she shouts her voice muffled through her fist, I look up a smile on my face, "I'm right here baby girl," hearing my voice she giggles and totters a little faster into the kitchen, but her feet get caught up in her blanket and she trips. I'm quick to catch her by sliding on my knees her face landing in my breasts; however she's not frightened she just curls up into my lap tucking her head under my chin.

Just then I hear the engine of Dean's truck pull into the driveway, once he cuts the engine I then hear the side door to the garage open and shut rather harshly which makes Cassie jump in surprise; her father's never made those loud noises before when she's around. She squirms out of my arms and heads back into the room when she hears the opening to a show she likes to watch, I watch in amazement at how big she's getting at how confident she is with her own body with brings a tear to my eye I'm not ready for her to grow up. I stand back up grabbing the wooden box, closing the lid then go out to the garage where I hear Dean looking for something however when I come out, I hear the Impala trunk shut quickly; I tuck the box behind my back with one hand as he comes into view looking like he's been digging in a toolbox dad lent him.

"Hey," I smile at him.

"Just getting a hammer," he announces standing up straight, his face looks as if he'd seen a ghost or something, I raise an eyebrow, "so uh the mail man said he'd seen you with a gun something about a rabid animal?"

He shifts his eyes in that way when he's trying to hide something from me.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing." I shift my weight onto one leg, "and why is it that I don't believe you? I can read it all over your face Dean," I approach him, "please don't shut me out."

"I just uh...I just got this...I don't know spidey sense," and I know instantly what that means, "so you're hunting something?"

"Honestly, uh at first, I thought that I was," he sets the hammer down, "but I'm pretty sure I got worked up over nothing. It's..." he trails off and I put my free hand on his shoulder, "I understand Dean, it happens especially after our talk of missing hunting I'm not mad; just wish you would talk to me."

"Are you sure?" I nod, "just because I have this OCD thing about this, why don't you take Cassie and go see that new Disney movie that came out? Maybe take her for ice cream or something after; I'll just do one last sweep just to be sure."

"Alright, if it makes you feel better to do this then I'll take her but before we do that," I raise a finger, "I uh got you something; ordered it a while ago actually."

He looks at me eyebrows raised, pulling the box from behind my back I hand it over; his eyes scan the word on the top before taking it. He sets the thing down on the work bench to open it and he digs through the paper scraps like I had started before Cassie interrupted me; his eyes are wide in his head when he pulls the shiny pistol from its nest. On the leather grip of the weapon burned into the material is, 'Carry us with you always, we've got your back, Love CJ and Melanie' he stares at the weapon for a long time his fingers playing over the words then he sets it back down taking me in his arms.

"It's beautiful," he whispers into my hair, "I don't know who I'd be without you two in my life."

"I know you have your favorite pistol, but I wanted to do something special for you," I mutter, "after all you've carried us through this like a champ, the least I can do is show you appreciation for it."

He pulls back and kisses me hard on the mouth putting all his love into the gesture so when he pulls away, we're breathless; there's babbling beyond the garage door to the house and I know Cassie is looking for me again.

"Just be careful," I say.

"Careful is my middle name," he grins.

As I walk away back into the house, he smacks my butt making me shriek at the contact, when I look over my shoulder, he's shaking his hand from the shot and I laugh, serves him right for that one.



"I'm taking us to your dad's house," he explains, "go upstairs and pack a bag I'll be there in a sec."

"You knew?" Dean growls, "you knew Sam was alive."

"You promised to leave it alone," Sam states.

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