Chapter Seventy Nine - Oh, Death

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We surprise Jody by showing up on her doorstep, me in bloody clothes and Dean covered in dust and dried blood; she kept Cassie in the guest bedroom until both of us were cleaned up and presentable for our child. We stay with her for a few days before taking her out to dads to visit she hadn't seen him for a long time plus we needed to plan something for her birthday which is next month. Dad is outside showing her the old cars and tossing her into the air which makes her laugh the sound filling the old junkyard; Dean's lying down he's had it hard the past few months and deserves the rest. I know he's been trying to figure out a way to get Sam's soul back without hurting his brother. From what I could see of his research he was looking for a way to contact Death or someone close in power to get Sam's soul back from the cage; so while I've got a spare moment I go in search of as many sleeping pills as I can find there's really only one way to get Death's attention and I'm going to make the sacrifice to do it.

Before I knock the bottle of pills back, I write a note and pin it to Dean's chest for instructions if he finds me before Death lets me come back hell maybe Dean'll have to bring me back himself if he can. Dad and Cassie are still out so I go to the bathroom to do the deed without having to have my daughter see me collapsed on the floor. Taking a deep breath, I put the bottle to my lips and force them down by drinking mouthfuls of water from the sink; I stand with both hands on the ceramic bowl waiting and waiting, trying to hold back the vomit that keeps threatening to erupt from my mouth until I collapse on the floor convulsing and foaming at the mouth then everything goes dark.

I'm still on the floor when I open my eyes again but this time when I get up my body stays lying on its side foam spilling out from between my lips, "that's not creepy at all," I murmur then wander out into the hallway, "alright babe, I hope your research paid off. Messorum evoco qui me tetigit."

"If it isn't Melanie Singer," a feminine voice at my back says, "I know your husband pretty well."

I turn, "you must be Tessa, Dean's talked about you once or twice."

"I was in the Sudan," she tells me, "what's with yanking me ov-" she stares realizing something, "wait, why are you dead?"

"Dean and I need a favor."

"Oh you're kidding," she rolls her eyes, "you died to ask me..." I cut her off, "tell your boss, I need to talk with him, please."


"Please?" I ask.

She crosses her arms, "where do you get the nerve? Sam and Dean have pulled a lot of stunts, pissed off a lot of supernatural beings but I should have known you'd try to do the same thing eventually."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," I shrug.

"He calls us, we don't call him."

I groan in frustration, "make an exception!"

"I can't."

"Can't or won't??"

There's a chill in the air that even my soul can feel, "all right Tessa, thank you very much. Hello Melanie: it's a pleasure to finally meet you." I can see Tessa is pissed, "I'm busy, so you better talk fast."

"The boys have something of yours," I say and he nods, "you mean my ring? I recall loaning it to them temporarily."

"I can get it for you."

"I'm sorry you assume that I don't know where Dean's hidden it. Now that we've established you have hubris but no leverage, what is it you want?" I take a deep breath, "Lucifer's cage, I figure you're one of the few people that can actually jailbreak it," he raises a brow neither denying or admitting he can do it so I keep going, "Sam's soul is stuck in that box."

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