Chapter Seventy - Eight - Demons, Monsters and Samuel

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While I wait for them to piss around with their plan to go after Crowley I get into the car and sit behind the driver seat pulling both knees to my chest, I clasp my hands resting my chin on bent knees; after a while Castiel joins me sitting in the middle but not quite touching me afraid of freaking me out or something which I appreciate. He doesn't say anything for a while just sits with both hands clasped on his lap, but after a while I decide I need to say something before everyone gets in the car.

"Cass, how am I going to get through this," I whisper, "it's not just going to go away."

"I'm not sure," he says, "what I do know is that you have Dean, Sam and myself that's here for you. Even if Sam is a bit off, he's still family."

"Somehow Sam knew what happened," I tell him, "like he could read me as if I was an open book, is it because he's soulless?"

He shrugs as the small group crowds into the car, Meg's other side bitch demon will meet us at Crowley's location once she knows where it is; Dean and Sam pile in the front as usual while Meg piles in beside Cass which makes him squirm for some reason does he have a thing for the demon or something? The ride is silent, pretty awkward actually, but no one dares break the silence Dean doesn't even put on music to drown out the silence; my thoughts wander to Cassie and Jody does either of them know I'm okay now? Does Cassie think I abandoned her after I had said I wouldn't leave again? This whole mess is just getting more complicated by the hour, it's still dark out when we get to Crowley's chamber of torture however there are no guards on the outside to indicate anyone is there.

"Seems pretty quiet," Dean comments.

Cass leans forward between the brothers, "it's not, I can feel it. Meet me at the side door." He disappears then not waiting for us to get out and load up our gear, he can be so simple minded sometimes but that's what makes him who he is. Dean shuts the car off and we high tail it out of the car and grab gear from the back. All of my stuff is at Jody's so Dean hands me a spare angel blade and his favorite pistol stuffing the one I bought him into the back side of his jeans.

"We shouldn't all go down one hallway," Meg points out as we meet up with Castiel, "if there's a trap, we'll all be boned."

"She's right," I agree but Dean shakes his head, "no, no way in Hell am I letting you out of my sight again."

"I'm more than capable of looking after myself than most people," I snap, "besides, you need to look after Sam and Cass."

"Go on pretty boy," Meg waves a hand at them in a get going gesture, "I'll keep an eye on your beloved."

"You go too, Meg," I say and she looks at me, "don't do this, Melanie. It's not worth the risk, is it?" I shrug, "I don't trust you not anymore, not after you couldn't keep my secret to yourself when I haven't even had a chance to really recover from it;" she scowls, but says nothing, "go with them and Clarence," the name makes her smile.

The small group heads into the side door the metal screeching slightly; with angel blade in hand I go around to the front of the building knowing that Crowley will come for me there. I kick the front glass from a locked window and duck inside while glass tinkles to the floor; with one hand I brush my hair off my shoulders. The big lobby is quiet and dark most of the lights are busted or blinking furiously trying to stay on I wonder if the rest of the building is like this, as I make my way farther in, I start yelling for Crowley cursing him with every swear word I know not caring if anything or anyone else can hear me.

I'm just reaching for a door leading into another hallway when I hear growling from behind me, not just one growl but several chorusing together the echo is terrifying; the hair on my arms stand straight up on end while my hand's still on the door handle afraid to pull it open but I look out of the corner of my eye seeing several breaths appearing in the air from invisible bodies then I realize the growling creatures are hellhounds. Gritting my teeth, I turn just as one leaps for me, I hear the claws scrap the floor as it becomes air borne; I practically catch the damn animal with open arms the angel blade still gripped firmly in my right hand. It's jaws just barely miss my throat as I turn throwing it against the wall then bring down the blade into its back several times before it stays down however with my back turned its comrades come for me taking the opportunity while they can.

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