Chapter Ninety - One - You Married Ruby?!?

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I feel panic rising in my chest as Sam explains to me what they've found, turns out Dean and I are married here but we have no children, our daughter passed in childbirth which weighed a lot on myself causing me to be admitted to a mental hospital for almost a year. However, Jensen suggested to this world's Bobby that I become part of the show, I took to it without a hitch resulting in an ever so popular fan base for the character she plays. This Jensen guy was in soap operas as a younger adult which makes Dean blush and agitated at the same time, he reaches over slamming the laptop shut when Sam tries to show me a video of Jensen's acting on the soap opera show.

"Don't like this universe guys," Dean groans, "we need to get out of this universe."

"Yeah," Sam agrees, "no argument here, but I don't think our – our prayers are reaching Cass, or well the real Cass."

I look up at them, "what if we can reverse the spell Balthazar did?"

"It could work," Dean states, "I watched every move," he grabs a scrap piece of paper and draws the sigil that had been on the window before we blasted through it, "we just uh...get the ingredients, right, get back to that same window, and...there's no place like home."

The guys pull me with them after I change my clothes into a pair of khaki shorts and a thin sweatshirt; I'm still chilled from the water, but still need to be warm I don't know if anyone here knows of my scars or what they would say if they saw them maybe assume it was from my mental breakdown state when Melissa's child passed away. We're back on the set of dad's studies while Sam mills around looking for the exact ingredients Balthazar pulled for the spell; I haven't had such a bad experience here yet like the guys seem to have had except for not having Cassie this place isn't so bad. However I don't mention it to either of them in case they jump on my case about wanting to go home themselves; sure my father figure here seems like a creep but that's something I could get used to if I really wanted to.

After a while both of them realize that everything is fake, which I'd already known but they were too wrapped up into an escape plan to see that. I watch with amusement as Dean stabs Sam with a rubber knife grunting in agitation; through the window of the set, I see the director well er Melissa's father, Bob, and someone else walking through, pause staring at all of us then head off again after muttering to each other. Unhappily the guys trudge back out of the set into the late afternoon, "we got to get back to the real world," Sam mutters as we round the corner there's an impala parked up against the curb by the building.

"Now you're talking," him and Sam both get in and I sigh crossing my arms over my chest, they should know that most of this crap is props or very limited in what it can do, as if true to my thinking the car sputters and jerks around as a crew member shouts, "Mr. Ackles! Mr. Ackles, please!" The car continues a while longer the crew guy still shouting at Dean, "Please! Stop!"

The car then stops making him sigh in relief but when Dean gets out he looks so irritated.

"How the hell are we supposed to get out of here?"

"Dean, the both of you are actors now; I'm supposedly the daughter of the director I assume we or at least you have your own personal driver."

The crew member calls one up for us and about twenty minutes later a black SUV pulls up, the driver gets out opening the front door for me while the guys climb in the back; once the big guy is in the driver's seat he looks at me then over his shoulder.

"You know whereabouts you want me to drop you off? Jensen? Jared?"

"Me?" Dean asks hesitantly then starts quickly, "I'll uh--- just tag along with uh," Sam interrupts, "Jared, please."

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