Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven - Possession

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It's dark out as Sam drills the girl with questions about where the Alpha would be.

"We left at night," she tells us, "got in before dawn."

"So, six, seven hours?" Sam asks and she nods, "I think so, yes."

"Any highways?" she shakes her head, "no, just back roads."

I look at Sam and Dean in the rearview mirror, "so figure no more than 300 miles," Dean states, "right." Sam and I nod.

"What direction were you going?" Dean asks her, "I don't know, I'm sorry." I put a hand on her shoulder, "it's alright, you're doing great, was there anything else that you remember?" she taps her chin with a finger then says, "bells, as we pulled up. I heard these loud bells."

"If it was still dark out there's no way it was a church," I say and Sam agrees, "could have been a monastery, monks get up at 4am to pray."

"Ugh," Dean groans, "can't get laid, forget sleeping in. A friggin' tragedy. So, Alpha's camping next to a uh, monkey house," Sam's typing furiously on his phone, "how many we got in range?"

"Looks like just one," he says, "just outside, Missoula, Mt."

It's late and dark still when we get there, Emily assures us that the place is indeed where the Alpha is, the boys decide that we'll take her someplace safe and then circle back to go after them. We hang up our boots at a motel with two queen sized beds and an oversized sofa, Sam shared the bed with Emily while Dean I slept together as usual; the next day we're up and ready to go while the girl has some TV show on.

"All right here we go," he takes the blood from Sam, "10ccs of Vamptonite," we give him a look, "it's a thing."

"What's a Kardashian?" Emily asks after a long pause and we all look at each other, "oh that uh...that's another blood sucker," the girl pales and he has to reassure her that it's a joke. Sam goes to give the girl Jody's number, but I take it from him instead, "you two go on ahead, I have a feeling she needs protecting; call me if there's trouble?" They nod and head out but not before Dean gives me a quick kiss on the forehead.

As they reach to pull the door open it pulls against them and slams shut, Dean looks at me over his shoulder, "it was the wind," he says but I know better, "just be careful."

I take dad's flask and set it in the nightstand drawer before telling Emily I need to freshen up, she nods eyes still glued to the TV as I'm cleaning up dad appears looking pissed off more than usual but before he can say a word Emily hits me in the back of the head with my own weapons bag and I crumple to the floor.

After a while I sit up groaning rubbing my head in pain, dad's standing in front of the TV staring at Dick Roman's face oh God what is he thinking about? And where the hell did Emily run off too? As he gets angrier and angrier the mirror in the bathroom cracks, lights switch on and off and the door slams in my face as I go to join him.

"Dad," I growl beating on the door, "calm down, damn it! Don't do this!"

The door then pops open this time dad lunges for me and I let out a squeak before I realize that he's taken possession of my body, I can feel the tension and anger rolling over his soul, but he ignores me shoving my own soul into a box like the demon that possessed me.

"Just need you for a little while," he murmurs to me, "till I get the bastard, Mel."

He raises a hand and wipes dark ectoplasm from my face that had fallen out of my eyes; damn it! All I can do now is try and fight and watch him do whatever it is he wants to do; I have tried to fight him as he's on his revenge fueled tirade. I wonder what Dean and Sam will think when I'm no longer there or when they find dad's flask missing because he's tucked it into the back pocket of my jeans. We've hitchhiked and walked miles upon miles to get to Dick Roman's office, we're walking down a small-town street where a TV is playing more information about Dick. Dad stands with my body and watches for a long while, in the reflection though I can see us both his overpowering mine and then I start to beg again, to let me go so I can help him but he's got a one-track mind.

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