Chapter Sixty - Six - One Man Band

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I need some air, so Dean walks me out of the building, Sam follows for what reason I don't know but I don't like it. The night is chilly, Dean checks me over for other injuries besides my neck and when he sees the handprint across my cheek, he raises an eyebrow anger burning in his eyes.

"Christian started it," I admit, "couldn't stand the fact that a woman showed him up." He smiles but it doesn't touch his eyes, "you know I remember the shifter saying something about a father before Sam shot him up, which makes more sense now because he meant the Alpha."

"Yeah, I guess so," Sam admits.

I turn, "did you hear him say that?"

"Uh I don't know," he shrugs, "kind of a hot moment, you know? Why?"

"Because if you heard him, then you knew the Alpha was out there," I growl.


Dean's tense beside me, "and if you knew the Alpha was out there then you knew he might come after the baby, in which case you were using the baby as bait not only putting other people in danger of the Alpha but Melanie too!" Sam doesn't show any expression, "so was that the plan? To use the baby as bait and let Melanie take the fall?"

"Of course not, Dean," he grunts, "I just thought that Samuel's was the safest place, that's all."

"Right of course."

I know Dean isn't going to let that go, for some reason his brother wanted to bring me along with this case, possibly get me killed and for what? I should tell Dean that his brother touched me inappropriately how he stood so close to me at the motel, but I can't bring myself to do so, I'm afraid of what Sam'll do if Dean brings it up and starts a fight. Dean and I take off in my dad's car, he had called him right after I reached out, dad showed up a few hours later after that and stayed with Cassie so she's not traumatized by moving around all the time. I don't know where Sam ends up going after we part ways in the compound parking lot, but I don't really care anymore because that is not the Sam that I know and remember.

Dean holds my hand the whole ride home, I know he can feel the goosebumps on my skin and the cold sweat that covers the palm of my hand, but he doesn't say anything just holds it tighter to help keep me grounded.

"You forget your pills?" he asks after a while and I nod, "Lennie, I'm sorry you went through that crap," he sounds sad, "I don't know what's gotten into Sam or what Samuel's thinking I shouldn't have let you go with him that night."

"I don't blame you for this mess," I mutter.

"You should, he's my brother and I should have gone instead."

We're quiet again as the sun rises over the trees, we're home sometime right before lunch, dad is passed out on our couch, Cassie is parked in front of the TV still in her pjs which is fine she probably kept dad up all night wanting her parents. Hearing the door shut she gets up smacking her Grampy in the face to wake him and comes barreling towards us, I hear 'balls,' as he struggles to get himself upright from the couch and the fact that his granddaughter smacked him in the face.

"Cassie," I say when she grabs at my legs, "you need to apologize, that wasn't very nice."

She looks up at me then her dad who nods in agreement, her eyes roll in an exasperated gesture, but she goes back into the room where dad is upright now; she raises her arms up at him and he scoops her up. We watch as she touches the place she hit him, kisses it then smothers his face with the kisses. We laugh as dad holds her away from him trying to keep spit from soaking his beard, she struggles trying to get closer but instead he puts her down. Cassie comes back over this time going to her father pulling on his pants; he ruffles her hair making her giggle and run away expecting him to chase her which he does happy to be back home.

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