Chapter 171 - Understanding is my Middle Name

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Eventually I wake up with a spasm of groans and whimpers; my back feels like it's on fire but nothing like it had when I was originally slammed down onto the surface. I sit up too quickly making the room spin and I clutch at my head, someone's hands land on my shoulders and I freak before my vision is clear enough to see the person.

"Mel?" I know that voice, "Lennie? You okay, sweetheart?"

"Dean? What – what happened?"

Once my vision clears, I see that Sam is upright and unharmed, all demons are dead most of them have stabbed wounds in the chest or head. Sam was just coming around how the hell did he manage to do all that by himself?

"You blacked out, Mel," Sam explains, "they brought you down on that countertop pretty hard."

"I-i-it was bad, Dean," I mutter, "I shouldn't feel as okay as I do." My eyes move to Sam then, "you were just coming around, how – how did you take them all down?"

"I came to the rescue," Dean boasts before his brother can speak, "you know me, always the last-minute kind of guy."

Dean helps me down off the counter keeping a firm grip on my arm, I lean against him as the room is spinning again; something deep down inside doesn't feel right about all of this, but I just let them take me out to the car where Tracy is waiting. Dean tells me that Irv was shot because he leaned too far out of cover when we were waiting to move, the girl seems okay for the most part.

"You okay?" Sam asks her and she nods, "you?"

"Yeah, more or less."

"Well that's good," she tosses keys to Dean, "I got everything but guess I'm late to the party."

"Lucky you,' I murmur and Dean says, "let's blow this toxic waste dump; burgers and silkwood showers on me."

We drop Tracy off at a safe house, grab some food and a few other things and head on back to the bunker driving through most of the night to get there; instead of burgers though Dean had gotten chicken which surprises me he's more or less a burger type of man. He also got prune juice for Kevin's uh situation from the last time we arrived home to find that he had been locked inside the bunker cause of the Angels falling and when we walk down the metal staircase calling out for him, he doesn't respond sending panic through the three of us. Dean puts the prune juice and food down on the war table and both him and Sam take off towards the dungeon; I wonder if the boy actually did Crowley in or if those two are just being paranoid. I'm heading for the kitchen passing the hallway when Kevin appears, backpack over his shoulder, "dude, hey where you going?"

When he doesn't respond I turn to follow, "hey, hey, talk to me Kevin." He whirls then eyes wide and wet with tears, "you can't keep me locked in here, I'm leaving."

"Didn't those two tell you to ignore Crowley? To not mess with him?" I ask and he looks away, "he messes with your head, you should know this by now."

"He said my mom's alive," he murmurs, "Crowley said that if I let him go, he'd give her back to me."

"And you believed him," I sigh but he snaps, "he's still in there." I rub my forehead with one hand, "you know he lies; how many times do we have to say it? He lies for his benefit that's it."

"And if he's not?" he shoots back, "Kevin, I know you want her to be alive but even if she is well then, she's dead in every other way you have to understand this, I'm sorry. We know it's not fun being here, doing what you do every day but out there," I point towards the door, "it's demons, angels, all of those damn things that want to get their hands on you for various reasons. Crowley being here doesn't mean you're safe out there, this place, this bunker is your best bet it just is. You know we need you."

"Because I'm useful," he mumbles.

"No because you're family," Dean's voice comes across the room, "after all the crap we've been through, after all the good that you've, if you don't think that we would die for you...I don't know what to tell you," Kevin's shoulders start to shake as tears fall freely, "because you, me, Lennie, Sam and Cass; we are all we got. But hey, if none of that matters to you, then none of us will stop you."

Kevin made a break for his room closing the door behind him, Sam checked in on him a few times and Dean well I don't know where my husband has disappeared to. I'm slipping on yoga pants, a sleeveless hoodie and am just tying my shoes when Dean comes into the bedroom and I look up at him in surprise.

"Hey," I murmur standing, "everything oaky?"

"Yeah, yeah," he mutters, "Kevin's sleeping, Sam's researching, where you going?"

"For a run," I tell him, "I think uh, I think I need it, get out and clear my head."

"How's your back?"

"Sore, but fine. I think that's why I want to go for a run just stretch it out maybe Sam will go with me."

I go to walk by him towards the door but stop, lay a hand on his shoulder then rise on my tip toes to kiss his cheek before leaving the room however I don't get very far when he grabs my wrist.

"What is it, Dean?" I ask.

"Are you happy, Lennie?"

"Of course, I'm happy," I answer quickly, "I have you, Sam's still here as is Kevin. I feel good about it all right now."

"Even Abaddon and the fallen Angels?"

"Just a bump in the road Dean, we'll conquer it like we've done everything else. Why is there something bothering you?"

"No, no, not all," he shakes his head, "just making sure you're okay, you know, after everything."

Turning back around I wrap my arms around his middle, he does the same but his arms rest on my shoulders.

"Something is bugging you," I say into his chest, "but if it makes you feel better, I'll chill out here, just no hovering, okay?"

"Alright, alright," he chuckles a little, "no hovering, but thank you for understanding."

"No, thank you," I smile at him, "for loving me, being here when I need you. Just thank you for choosing me."

At this I feel him stiffen just a little, but only slightly then I begin to wonder what's really on his mind, but I'll let him tell me when he's ready unless he's deliberately keeping something big from me and I will find out what it is one way or another.



"Wait," Dean looks at me, "you went running?"

"No actually a pharmacist from Dayton."

"Who are you?!" Sam growls.

"Cass!" Dean shouts.

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