Chapter Sixty - Three - Help me, Melanie you're my Only Hope

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The following week we're unpacking the last of the boxes from our old house, Cassie is napping as I pull on my work out clothes, the weather is nice and I want to get out and stretch my legs a bit to get the heart pumping. I run into Dean coming in from parking the Impala in the garage, his eyes are wide in surprise and he glances down at my clothes.

"Where's the fire?" he asks.

"Just going to go for a run," I tell him, "check out the new neighborhood a little." He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes, "we still have a little more to unpack though."

"I know but I need a break, stretch my legs a little."

"How about we finish unpacking and go out for lunch?" he suggests, "check out the neighborhood then?"

I can see something is bothering him especially since he doesn't seem to want me to leave the house, but I nod letting him have his way for now but eventually I will get out to exercise or take Cassie to the playground down the street. We unpack through the afternoon, me still in my work out clothes just to mess with him because it's fun and because he's being paranoid but won't tell me why; Cassie then decides to wake from her nap with a loud cry of fear. Dean races up the stairs to get her, she probably had a nightmare or something, so I let him handle it; all the boxes are unpacked and I'm cutting them up to be sent out for the trash or for Dean to burn when he's got time. After about five minutes or so he comes back down talking to her sweetly, she's sniffling probably still upset about a nightmare or something but as the two of them come around the corner I see that it wasn't just some nightmare that made her scream.

"What happened?"

"Bug tried to climb out of her crib," he tells me, "flipped over the railing and hit her head pretty hard."

She has her face buried in Dean's shoulder, her hair is longer now almost past her ears, it's still dark like his but there's a few wisps of light blonde hair you can really see it when the light shines across it; she got so many features from her father especially the way she pouts when I tell her no or when she's happy her dimples show just like his do.

"She won't let me put her down," he says, "I guess she's afraid of getting hurt again."

I go over to the two putting a hand on her back; she's trembling but no longer crying. "Where does it hurt, CJ?" I ask her.

She just rubs her runny nose on Dean's flannel not showing her face, he bounces a little with her to try and soothe her just like we used to when she was smaller which almost always worked. While he's still holding her, I move my hands around her back, her arms and legs which she doesn't react too however when my hands touch her head she shrivels and whimpers against Dean's throat.

"Come with mommy," I say soothingly, "we'll make your boo-boo go away, okay?"

She slowly pulls away from Dean looking first at him with wet eyes then she turns to look at me, so I stretch my arms out; after a few more sniffles and looks between her parents then decides that mommy's arms are the best place to be, so she leans away from Dean her own arms outstretched towards me. Her and I go to the fridge when the doorbell rings, there's only one other person who knows where we are, what's going on? Dean escapes to answer it while I wrap an ice pack in a tea towel and hold it against the sore spot; she makes a noise about the cold but settles down when the spot starts to go numb instead of hurting. I take her into the living room where Dean is turning around after closing the door two pizza boxes in hand.


I raise an eyebrow, "I thought we were going to eat out?"

"Oh yeah," he looks at the floor, "I guess I forgot, I'm sorry."

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