Chapter Seventy - Seven - We're not Supposed to talk about It

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After a while voices rouse me from my sleep, mostly Cass who says, "it's very complex."

"Mm-hmm," that's Dean.

"If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter," Cass states, "why does he keep slapping her rear, perhaps she's done something wrong."

Then I register the sound of the TV and what he's got playing on it making me groan in embarrassment.

"You're watching porn?" Dean snaps, "why?"

"It was there," Cass mumbles.

I sit up and look over to find Cass practically nose to nose with the TV, it's like he's never seen a naked body let alone seen the action of two humans drowning in lust.

"You don't watch porn in a room full of dudes," Dean starts then I say, "or with women present when they're trying to sleep and you especially don't talk about it that's gross, please turn it off."

Castiel looks down at his pants where a tent is forming, "great now he's got a boner," Dean grumbles.

Sighing I rub my face with one hand as someone knocks on the motel door, Dean rises and opens it to reveal Samuel standing there; his nose wrinkles seeing Castiel watching porn.

"This is what you Winchesters do," Samuel grunts, "sit around watching pornos with angels?"

"Why are you here?" I snap back.

He doesn't look at me instead he talks to the boys, "This is what I know, I'm doing this for your mother, whatever we bag ends up here," he pulls a map from the back pocket of his jeans and takes it over to the table spreading it out, "that's where he tortures 'em," he points a finger, "I don't really know only been outside the places, but it's a small death trap. Nothing gets in that Crowley doesn't want in and nothing gets out, period."

"Well thanks," Dean says.

He looks to his grandsons, "I wish you wouldn't do this."

"Come with us," Sam urges and the old man puts his hands up, "I may be soft, but I'm not suicidal."

I get off the bed then standing near the door, my hand opens it whipping it to the point where it bounces off the wall, "then get lost Samuel, suicidal or not we're doing this because it's what's best for everyone else."

"She's got a mouth on her," he says to Dean, "you should learn to respect your elders young lady."

"Bite me," I hiss, "you saved me from being a vamp for the rest of my life sure but that doesn't excuse your behavior now. So either you're with or against us there's no on the fence about this." He takes a step forward, but I hold my ground even if I'm shaking on the inside, "I'm not afraid to kick your ass old man, make your choice now."

Without another word or glance back at us Samuel leaves disappearing into the dark shadows of the motel building; when he's gone, I pull my sweats up and tie them so they're tight against my hips if we're going to go after Crowley the last thing I need is to lose my pants and get killed or worse. Neither of the guys or Cass says anything instead they gather their things and we head out to the car where lo and behold Meg is there with those same two demons from before and I pull back letting Dean ahead of me.

"Remember me?" Meg purrs to Cass, "I sure remember you, Clarence." Cass stands beside me sensing tension, "why are we working with these abominations?"

"Keep talking dirty makes my meat suit all dewy."

I feel bile rising in my throat, this is not something I want to imagine or even hear about; Dean steps forward arms raised in disgust too.

"Alright, simmer down. We know where Crowley is."

"Great," she smiles, "do tell." Sam scoffs, "yeah tell you, so you can just leave us for dead?" Which makes her roll her eyes, "you boys have such abandonment issues, you know that?" She turns to me, "how do you deal with it, honestly?"

"Leave her alone," Dean states, "it's bad enough you took her, but something sure as hell happened while she was with you, she's not herself."

She raises an eyebrow at me and I shake my head at her knowing what she's asking without words.

"We'll show you," Sam tells her, "but we're all going together."

"What I'm just supposed to trust you?"

"No, you're not that stupid; give me the knife for a minute." He extends a hand to her, "no, I'm not that stupid."

"Meg, if you want them to take you to Crowley just give him the damn knife."

She sighs pulling it from the inside of her leather jacket looks at the knife for a brief second then hands it over to Sam's waiting hand. He holds it firmly then takes two steps forward plunging the knife into the demon's chest, the one who violated me, his demon light sparks and spits then he falls down dead all of us look at him.

"You saw him," Sam states, "he was more interested in killing us than getting the job done; I just did us all a favor," his eyes meet mine then he adds, "maybe a little more than that."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Dean asks annoyed.

"Something you want to share, Melanie?" Sam asks.

I look at my feet again not wanting to look at anyone right now, he brought it up when I wasn't ready; it's still so fresh in my mind and I know Dean will try to kill Meg for letting it happen, but she saved me from the worst that could have happened. A hand touches my chin lifting my face and I pull away quickly at the contact afraid that it's him, but I know it's not I just watched Sam kill the demon who hurt me, but the action brings everything into focus.

"Melanie," Cass breathes, "it's okay, you're safe now."

"I don't feel safe," I mutter, "I don't feel clean, I don't feel anything right now; I am so high strung you have no idea..."my throat tightens, "can we please just go after Crowley I don't want to talk about this right now."

'We're not going anywhere until I know what's happened to you," Dean states.

"You Winchesters," Meg grunts, "the demon Sam just shanked; he raped Melanie;" tears fill my eyes blurring my vision, "I wasn't there at the time but stopped him before he could get too far, she went to the hospital had to have some stitches and testing done."

No one dares to move or even breathe, my worst night playing out in front of me again and again I'd rather be stabbed by my possessed father again than deal with this trauma it's just too much. Dean then becomes unfrozen and goes to come for me, but I put both hands up realizing that they're shaking rather violently, he stops not daring to come any closer while Castiel still stands beside me he doesn't dare lay a hand on me either. I wipe at the tears angrily because Meg just blurted out what happened, it was crude and uncalled for like it didn't matter at all; I can see Dean's eyes are sad and wet with unshed tears as well. I can also see rage boiling within those wet eyes, but I can't force myself to go to him afraid that he'll reject me because some other thing put his hands on me.

"Are you going to give that back?" Meg asks Sam snapping us out of our little emotional circle, "you took this from us, and I'm taking it back. We leave in one hour." He turns to the car heading for the trunk as if the serious statement that was made doesn't matter and yet he still killed the demon who hurt me, somehow, he knew what happened and took care of the problem which makes me grateful knowing that I don't have to worry about that bastard coming back from the pit to haunt me.



"Seems pretty quiet," Dean comments.

"Hellhounds," I breathe, "we gotta....gotta go now!"

"Yes, and I have to say, best purchase I've ever made since Dick Cheney."

"About your soul," he responds, "we'll figure something else out."

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