Chapter Eighty - Five - The Truth comes Out

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When I wake next Cass is gone but Dean is sitting in the bed next to me a hand brushing through my hair and I smile at him through half open eyes; he presses his lips to my forehead and helps me sit up which makes me wince.

"I should smack your ass for leaving the hospital," he says but his voice isn't angry like dad's had been, "but I can't blame you, we've left hospitals before with injuries I just don't want your dad killing me if something were to go wrong while you're healing."

"I'm good," I tell him, "Sam helped me get straightened out when I got here, after all he's one of the best stitchers I know." I hear him laugh across the room where I see a broken sword like weapon laying across the small table, "what are you going to do with that? Give the dragon a booster shot?"

"It's what we got to work with," he says, "we'll just have to get a little closer that's all. Where are we on the caves?"

"Nowhere," Sam answers, "but Bobby and Mel figured out that sewers are probably our best" He hands a map to his brother, "check this out." Both Dean and I stare at the spots Sam has pointed out, "two of the disappearances happened within a mile of here. So, I think we start there and work our way around."

"Awesome who doesn't love sewers," Dean grunts, "let's go."

I go to get up too when he lays a hand on my shoulder, "not you."

"I can help," I argue, but he shakes his head, "Dean, you need all hands-on deck even injured I'm just as good as any other hunter."

"Cassie's party is next week," Dean says, "she needs her mother in one piece not multiple pieces stitched back together."

I nod because he's right, Sam loads up gear as Dean tucks me back into bed propping me up with the spare pillows and handing me the TV remote; he then kisses my forehead and says they'll be back as soon as possible. I can tell Sam wants to say something, probably something Cass had told him about being soulless but when Dean goes to address it Sam just shakes his head and walks out of the motel room. Sighing to myself I flip on the TV to fill the silence, it feels so damn empty without those two; I'm starting to hurt again especially my ribs but I hadn't asked Dean to give me pain pills before he left which means I'm going to have to get out of bed and hope to God they left one of their bags here so I can start to feel better if the over the counter pills do anything at all to ease the pain.

Doctor Sexy M.D. is the only channel that'll come through the stupid cheap TV which is not as much fun to watch alone as it is with Dean; I rub my face with my hands then deciding that it's worth the risk to get the pills if there is any if not then I'll have to make a run myself in order to feel better. But I play things smart and call room service asking if one of the staff can bring some pain pills and I just got out of the hospital; once they hear those words they tell me someone will be right up after bit which makes me sigh in relief. About a half hour passes before there's a knock at the door, I get up sore from sitting in bed for a long while and answer it, the guy standing before me holds out a brown bag with the pill bottle inside and smiles sheepishly; I hand a 20 which makes him smile and he walks away as I slowly close the door.

I walk slowly to the bathroom pill bottle in hand, turn the sink on and down a few of the pills with gross tap water setting the bottle on the counter; I lean against the sink for a bit catching my breath my ribs are aching miserably as are the areas Sam had to stitch back up. I don't think I've ever dealt with this much pain before except maybe in childbirth and even then, it was so quick, shaking my head with a small smile thinking of my daughter I head back into the room and crawl into Dean and I's bed. I want to sleep on my side like always but my mending ribs throb and when I try the other ways the pressure pushes on the stitches making me wince, so I have to make due by sleeping on my back.

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