Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Five - I don't want to be Controlled anymore

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It figures that the damn crypt is in the basement of an abandoned building; Dean deals out the group cards leaving Sam and Meg outside to keep an eye out while Castiel, Dean and myself go inside. His brother doesn't argue since it's three instead of two plus there are two high powered people going inside with his brother; not that I can't hold my own but powers do come in handy and yet I've noticed they seem to be weaker and I wonder if it's from starting the trials. But just as we get ready to head inside Dean turns to me glaring, "by the way, I saw the bloody tissue."

"That wasn't," I start but he cuts me off, "stop. Just stop, Lennie, we know what's in here, okay? And you almost let a demon get the best of you at the motel."

"I'm fine," I snap.

We've stopped walking now, all eyes on us.

"No, you're not fine," he argues, "you haven't been fine since the first trial; that's why I was praying to Cass."

"Trial?" Meg asks from behind us.

"Shut up, Meg," Sam and Dean say together, "Dean I'm telling you – I'm okay."

Of course, Castiel has to put his two sense in, "no you're not," he says, "Melanie, you're.... you're damaged in ways even I can't heal. Maybe you should stay here and protect Meg. Your powers aren't really stable anymore, you could get hurt."

"Since when do I need protecting?"

"Since you were held captive and tortured for over a year," Cass responds to her sharply and Meg shrugs, "touché."

Dean and Castiel start to head inside when I grab my husband's wrist and pull looking him dead in the eye.

"I'm worth more to you in there than I am out here," I snap at him, "just let me do this Dean, please."

"Why?" He snaps back, "give me one good reason."

"Because he," I jerk a finger at Cass, "he drug me into this, made me help save Meg; we've fought together. Please trust me on this, I'm fine, I feel good Dean I really do; please."

"Fine, fine," he mutters grabbing the door handle, "but if something happens to you anything at all, I'm holding you responsible."

We start into the building and head down a dark set of stairs, Cass is between Dean and I as we reach the bottom step when I whisper to him, "what did you mean Cass? About me?"

"It's difficult to say," he mutters, "something on a subatomic level and electromagnetic field."

"Okay bottom-line it for me, Bill Nye," Dean commands, "is it lethal?"

We walk a few feet in the basement before Cass starts to say something but then he senses a draft from one of the walls which Dean and I start to feel also; he places a hand on the wall sending a surge of energy through it and the wall cracks open. One by one we go inside looking around; the place seems even bigger than I imagined it to be I sigh a loud before being pulled from my mind into another place.


"I've found it," Cass's voice comes from my left.

"Tell the Winchester the crypt is empty," she says from her desk, "then you can come back -" he cuts her off, "it's warded against angels."

"Well, you can come back -" I snap this time, "Damn it, Naomi! There's no coming back for this thing, Crowley and his horde are getting closer!" She looks to the Angel, "handle it then."

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