Chapter Thirty - One - Mother Knows Best

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It'd been a while since I'd seen my dad so I have the guys drop me off while they took off again, Cass had called a while ago after getting better from his time travel session and needed the guys help; with how big I've gotten I don't want to risk early labor or anything like that so perhaps I could just relax and help dad answer the phones when needed. Dad and I's relationship is still a bit rocky after the fight we had before we headed out to try and kill Lucifer; deep down I partially blame myself for Jo and Ellen's death because the shield I made didn't hold up very long and Jo died to protect Dean I wish I could have said goodbye to them and hugged Jo one more time before letting her go.

Dean and I have barely talked after the back to the future part two incident, it bothers me, but I can understand why he feels the way he does to a point. But if he'd succeeded in stopping his mom then where would our lives have ended up if Mary Winchester had lived? Would the Apocalypse still be happening now? Would Sam still be aimed as Lucifer's vessel? Sighing I get dressed in stretchy maternity jeans and toss on an oversized black t-shirt and head downstairs to hear two people talking, one sounds oh so familiar and the second one is dad's voice.

"Bobby please," the feminine voice begs, "I want to see her."

"It's not a good time, we have to do this slow she could have a panic attack and hurt the baby or worse! I don't need Sam and Dean to come rushing here when they don't or won't understand."

I stand just at the foot of the stairs as I hear dad's chair squeaking down the hallway, my nose catches lemon pine sol and other cleaning smells so when he turns the corner to yell up the stairs, he starts in surprise to see me up so early.

"I was just coming to holler for you," Dad tells me, "there's something I need to tell you."

"Who's in the kitchen?"

He looks back down the hallway, then back at me. When he doesn't tell me right away, I push past him bumping his shoulder with my swollen belly and stomp down the hall to find a woman at the counter with her back to me; the hair is styled the way I remember it and the color just as bright. She turns at the sound of footsteps and drops the raw pie onto the floor, blueberries spattering over the linoleum.

"Mom?" my voice is squeaky in surprise, "you''re supposed to be dead."

"I was," she smiles at me, "Melanie, darling you're so grown up and glowing."

When she tries to approach me, I take a step back almost tripping over the lip of the doorway and she stops by the table not wanting to scare me further, dad's wheelchair comes up behind me stopping my backwards motion.

"Don't be afraid," dad assures me by putting a hand on my back, "she's really here, Mel."

My eyes start to water not wanting to believe I get a second chance with my mom to have her here while I'm pregnant, I don't hesitate anymore I meet her at the table taking the woman who birthed me into my arms; her skin is cool to the touch, but she still feels like home at least from what I can remember of her touch. My belly gets in the way, but she holds me as close as she can while kissing my cheek then we pull away to look at dad who's watching us with a glossy look in his eyes. He's no longer dressed in one of his old ratty flannels and baseball cap; his hair is smoothed back and he's wearing a nice dress shirt all for mom I'm guessing.

"How long have you been here?" I ask mom.

"Since about midnight last night," Dad says, "showed up on our doorstep naked and cold so I brought her in and pulled her clothes out, at least the ones I could get without going upstairs."

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