Chapter Forty - Three - She's a Stubborn One

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Gasping for breath and covered in sweat I wake bolting uprigth, my eyes search for Cassie in her swing which is empty causing panic to rise in my chest, however Dean catches my attention from the rocker.

"Hey," I breathe, "I didn't hear you come up."

"You were passed out," his eyes find mine, "bad dream?" I nod, he gets up with Cassie in his arms and sits on the edge of the bed with me; I rest my head on his shoulder calming my accelerated heart rate.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It's Lucifer," I whisper, "he's haunting my dreams; I'm so afraid Dean." He kisses my head then says, "I know you're scared, if we can win this thing with those rings like Gabriel said then maybe we can get a shot at a normal life as a family."

"Dean, I...I want to get married," I mutter.

"You know I do too." I shake my head, "no Dean like today or tomorrow; I want to officially be a family if this is really the end of times."

"Lennie," he pulls back to look at me, "it's not going to be like that, but for you we can get married as soon as you want."

We both stand up to head downstairs, I'll probably call Jody to see if she can pull some strings at the justice building; I'm not going to wear anything fancy maybe one of my mom's nice dresses and put Cassie in one of the dresses the girls from in town gave her. Together we go downstairs, Dean holding tight to the baby while I hold onto his shoulder to walk down the steps. Sam is up and sitting at the kitchen table a beer in front of him while dad's in the study looking through lore books spread out over his desk; Dean takes Cassie into the kitchen with him while I go to dad who looks up smiling a little.

"You get some rest?"

"Yeah, still trying to find a way to find Pestilence?" He nods. "Dad, Dean and I, we uh we're going to get married," I stumble over my words, "we want to do it tomorrow; become a family in all sense of the word."

Dad stops reading and leafing through pages to look up at me; I can see in his eyes that he wasn't prepared for that, but he doesn't say anything instead he opens a drawer in his desk pulling out a small wooden box.

"I was hoping you two would tie the knot soon," he says, "here, been saving these for a while."

He gives me the box; the lid slides open revealing two silver rings one slightly bigger than the other; I lift the smaller one seeing a slim band of dark wood in the silver. On the wooden band is my soon to be initials M. L. W.; I don't use my middle name often because it's not that special, but dad made it special by doing this. I take the other ring out seeing D.M.W. on that one; tears fill my eyes as I look at my father still holding the rings.

"I made them myself," he boasts, "pure silver on the outside for your protection."

Dean's arms wrap around me, he must have left Cassie with her uncle, I put the rings back handing the box over my shoulder to Dean who lets go of me.

"Bobby these are amazing," Dean breathes.

"I'm going to call Jody," I tell them, "see if she can help us get a wedding license and such since you're supposed to be dead, Dean."

Both men chuckle as I go in search of my cell phone which is in the diaper bag upstairs; I sit on the edge of my bed dialing Jody's number waiting for her to answer.

"Hello," she greets.

"Hey Jody, it's Melanie." I can hear the smile in her voice, "it's been a while, how's that belly of yours?"

"Well, actually Jody she arrived a few days ago." She gasps, "and no one called, I'm gonna wring your daddy's neck!" I laugh, "I can understand you not calling right away, but your father should have."

"Jody I was actually calling to see if you could do Dean and me a favor?"

"Sure, I can try to, what do you need?" I take a deep breath, "Dean and I want to get married tomorrow, problem is he's supposed to be dead; I wanted to know if you could help swing something at the Justice building and of course you're more than welcome to be there."

"I'll see what I can do kiddo," she says, "honestly I really don't see a problem; I hope I can meet that little one of yours."

"Of course, of course. Thank you so much Jody; just text me when we should be there. Thanks again!"

"You're welcome."

Just as we hang up, I can just make out Cassie starting to become fussy, she probably needs a diaper change since Dean was just feeding her I wonder if Sam's freaked out by her crying yet. I grab a fresh diaper and wipes then make my way downstairs, Dean's got her again and he lays her on the couch extending a hand for the objects in my grasp.

"Dean if you don't want to ..." he cuts me off, "I've got to do it someday, might as well be now since you won't always be around to do it for me."

He smiles then winks at me I shake my head then leave to go into the kitchen where Sam is grabbing another beer from dad's fridge.

"How many is that now?" I ask.

"Just two."

I snag the beer bottle from him but when I do the lid pops off and smacks into the ceiling falling to the floor; what the hell? Handing the bottle back to him I step away afraid of what just happened, I wasn't trying to do anything.

"Mel you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, yeah," I run a hand through my hair, "that was strange."

"Must have been too much pressure behind the lid."

Dean grunts and makes other noises as I back out of the kitchen, there's no way something like that should have happened; I look at my hand as I make my way back into the study where Dean is struggling to rediaper our child.

"I'll pay you if you hold still," Dean mutters frustrated, "how does your mother do this? It's like an IED with poop!"

Trying to shake off the weird feeling from the lid popping off the bottle I take the clean diaper from his hand while dad chuckles and quickly get it into place; Cassie gives us a gummy smile as I stick the tabs to the diaper and pull her little pants back up.

"How did you do that?" Dean asks.

"You can't fight her," I say, "babies can tell when you're getting frustrated it's kind of like a sixth sense they have; just wait until she's a toddler then she'll really test your patience." Dad chuckles again, "she's definitely a product of a Winchester and Singer; you were pretty stubborn as a baby too Melanie."

Picking her up I hold her against my chest while I tell Dean and dad that Jody can more than likely swing a wedding at the justice building which makes both men smile; Dean holds me against his side while his daughter yawns.



"Just my imagination," I breathe, "get what you need and get out of here."

"Your daddy's something special," I whisper to her putting her back in the bouncer, "as are you my little flower."

"She's going to be a handful," Dean sighs.

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