Chapter 20 - I'm all in!

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I go where the woman says and find Patrick playing an older gentle who shouts in glee, "Thanks again, Patrick."

"Shalom, my friend," he responds, "Shalom."

The old man walks by me and heads out of the room.

"That was nice of you," I tell him.

He shuffles the cards that were just played but doesn't look at me.

"I'm a nice guy," he responds setting the shuffled deck down, "what can I do for you?"

"Deal," I put a hand on the table then take a seat opposite him, "I want to play for the years you took from Dean."

I can see the witch have a worried look in his eyes especially when his gaze roams over my figure especially my stomach where the little life form is slowly growing. He goes to argue about how he's not a monster, but I raise an eyebrow daring him to back out, "I mean if you don't want to play a pregnant woman then just give me the years you took and be done with it."

"I'm sorry kid," he says, "that's not how this works; I don't want to rob a mother of her years or child but if you're going to insist then we'll play."

He's shuffled then dealt the cards and we're staring at each other; he's got a glass of whiskey in front of him and he was even nice enough to provide me with a glass of water; a toothpick hangs from his lips as he studies his cards and my face.

"I like you, Melanie," he grins, "you're smart, loyal and clearly devoted to Dean." I don't give him a response as he lays the toothpick down next to his drink, "what I don't understand is why he or his brother would let you bet away years of your own life at such a fragile state." Again I don't respond just check my cards again then look back at his face, "oh I get it neither of them know you're here, does Daddy Singer know?"

"Let's just play," I grunt and drop about 10 years' worth of chips down, "I raise," and he does, "I get the feeling you're always going to be cleaning up Dean's messes, he brought this on himself ya know."

"So what are you psychic or something?" I snap.

"No just very intuitive Ms. Singer," he pushes a stack worth five years into the mix and I do the same, "he's my whole world I'd do anything for him," I say, "and when I beat you there will be no reason to doubt that."

"I think you're in over your head, I mean you can keep making these daring moves; you know playing it cautious. But I'm still going to kick your ass into the nursing home, no offense."

"It's hard to take offense to someone who steals years from people," I mutter, "does this mental game crap always work with your opponents?" He laughs, "you tell me, you're the one who's losing."

After a while my pile of chips has dwindled dramatically making me sweat on the inside, Lia eventually joins us draping herself over his shoulder, he touches her hand smiling at the game.

"Those boys of yours are looking for you," she tells me, "they aren't very happy either."

"Yeah, well you can tell them I'm cleaning up their mess," I snap, "and if I end up losing, I don't want to see any of them again especially in the afterlife."

Both Patrick and Lia look at me eyes wide, something about my words has struck a nerve with the both of them. I'm so easily giving away my own life and possibly my child's and yet I'm calmer now than I was about twenty minutes ago.

"How bout we take a little break, yeah?" he suggests, "you probably should talk to those boys before they break my door down."

I leave the table on firm legs heading out into the back street where I had entered earlier, just outside the door stands Dean anger written across his aged face.

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