Chapter Forty - Two - Home Sweet Home

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I gave birth two days ago and both Cassie and I are cleared to take the long trek home; Sam drives dad while Dean drives the Impala and I sit in the back with Cassie her car seat buckled down safely and securely. The staff wouldn't let us leave until they were sure it was safe and that we could remove and place the car seat without any trouble or hurting the baby. I know she's going to get hungry on the trip home and Dean is more than prepared to stop so we can feed her while dad and Sam keep on going to make sure everything is ready for her arrival. I'm not worried about child proofing the house at least not until she can crawl around on the floor which makes me sad thinking about it; my left arm is draped across the seat where her legs are resting. She's dressed in stretchy baby jeans and a t-shirt that says Grampy's Favorite.

As Dean drives asking me how the both of us are every few miles, I can't help but be scared of what's to come next; Lucifer forced my pregnancy to end early now the question is when and where will he come for me? I'm surprised he didn't just abduct me in the hospital when my powers first emerged then I realize he'll probably let me grow into them before taking me. Cassie sleeps soundly one of her binkies resting next to her cheek it fell out of her mouth when she dozed off; her lips are puckered as if the object is still there.

"Watcha thinking 'bout?" he asks softly to not wake Cassie, but I just shake my head, "come on Lennie, I can see something's bothering you it's all over your face."

"I'm scared Dean."

"Scared of what?" I hesitate but then say, "Lucifer, he did this brought Cassie into the world before she was ready, before we were really ready and now, I'm afraid he'll come for me next."

"I won't let that happen," he says, "we'll fight him and win; she needs both of her parents."

He means well, hell he's putting so much faith into the words that I want to believe him, but it'll only be a matter of time before Lucifer does come a calling, even if neither of the boys say yes, he'll have me one way or another our future coming into view as we've already seen it. When we get home Sam and Dad have everything ready for Cassie moving the crib that Dean put together back upstairs from the panic room; Sam had to do most of the work because dad's stuck in his chair, but he started supper and washed bottles in case I wanted to use them instead of breastfeeding.

Cassie is just waking up from her long nap as Dean sets her car seat down on the couch in the study; instead of letting me get her he does it himself holding her against his chest and I can just see her dark tufts of hair above his shoulder. For a newborn she has a beautiful head full of dark brown hair taking after her father, I smile at the two of them he's gently bouncing around the study with her and she's watching him with her big green eyes. While he's looking after her, I head into the kitchen where dad's stirring something in one of his big pots.

"Soup and sandwiches," he announces as I approach, "I wasn't sure how you'd be feeling so I went with something simple."

I bend down and kiss him on the cheek then grab a plate and bowl getting some food for myself; if Dean's hungry he can help himself he just seems so content with his little girl. I see him every so often through the one doorway to the study, he's smiling and humming softly to her making my heart melt.

"He's good with her," Dad comments.

"He's already such a great father," I say, "this whole Apocalypse crap has me on edge, she needs her mom and dad; I'm so scared for her."

Dad touches my arm with a hand but doesn't say anything because what can you say when the end of the world is near? Taking my food into the study with me I join Dean holding out part of my sandwich to him which he takes a bite of while holding his little girl, she starts to fuss the bouncing no longer helping to keep her entertained.

"Either she needs a diaper change or she's hungry." He lifts her up a little smelling her little butt. "I don't smell anything," he tells me, "maybe she's hungry."

My boobs are aching a little which tells me that he's probably right, so I take her from him which makes him frown but he takes the rest of my food eating it himself as I sit beside her car seat and feed her which she takes to the nipple immediately.

"Where'd Sam go?" I ask.

"Went to lie down," he says with a mouthful.

I nod; if they're going to go after Pestilence then they're going to need all the strength and rest they can get before leaving again as she falls asleep my nipple still in her mouth I rise from the couch and head for the stairs but not before stepping up to Dean and kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm going to see if she'll lie down," I whisper, "maybe I'll catch some sleep myself too."

"If you need anything you know where I'll be."

Carrying my daughter, I make my way upstairs slowly and safely, Sam's snoring can be heard from the spare room down the hall; he'll be up sooner or later too unless Cassie cries waking him. Her crib is ready, but I take her to the small swing near the bed tucking her into it then strapping her snuggly inside I give her a binkie as she slowly opens her eyes to look at me. I start the swing on low since she's still so small and turn the music on which is soft and soothing along with the fish that swim above her head; she can't see the shapes for what they are yet, but the lights catch her attention. I crawl into bed still dressed and lay on my side to keep an eye on her as I fall asleep, eventually her eyelids grow heavy as do mine and we both drift off into peaceful sleep.


I open my eyes to find the swing empty and I panic sitting up abruptly however a hand grabs my shoulder pushing me back down on the bed; Lucifer straddles my waist; but it's not the Satan I remember from the warehouse, no, instead it's Sam the grin on his face not right, there's a thick collar in his grasp with familiar symbols written all over it.

"I told you," he whispers in Sam's voice which is slick and cold like ice, "I told you both that you'll always end up here."

My hands try to push him away, but he hits me hard across the face my nose cracking on contact; blood dribbles over my lips as he snaps the collar into place on my neck. Grinning he roughly pulls me to my feet; his hand grips my arm painfully and points to the rocker where Dean sits with Cassie who's drinking from a bottle.

"Kill them," Lucifer demands.

I don't have a choice, my body moves without my permission even though I try to fight it which causes me agonizing pain, but a bright light fills the room blocking out everything followed by the scream of a child.



"It's Lucifer," I whisper, "he's haunting my dreams; I'm so afraid Dean."

"I was hoping you'd two would tie the knot soon," he says, "here, been saving these for a while."

"I'll pay you if you hold still," Dean mutters frustrated, "how does your mother do this?"

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