Chapter Forty - Eight - What a Messy World

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After the slightly long drive we're parked outside a retirement place called Serenity Valley Convalescent Home; the boys watch the place closely if Pestilence is here, it'll be hard to tell who's human and who he actually is at least that's what I think. Dean comes up with a plan but not the greatest of all plans so I just follow along not wanting to get in the way; once inside Sam and I hide behind the corner from the security desk while Dean talks up the security guard.

"Hi uh, I'm here for my Nana," Dean starts, "Uh, her name is Eunice Kennedy."

"Go around front and see the nurse," the guard grunts.

"You mind just helping me out, sir? She's about uh, about that small and gray hair, wears diapers," then we hear the thud of the security guards body hitting the floor so Sam and I come around the corner.

"Eunice Kennedy?" I ask.

"That's the beauty of improv," he says, "you never know what's gonna come out of your mouth."

Dean and Sam take a seat at the desk watching the screens while I tie up and gag the guard who's still knocked out cold; Dean must have hit him pretty hard. I lean against the wall facing the corner we came around and about fall down from waiting around.

"What are we even looking for?" Sam asks annoyed.

"Well, he's Pestilence," Dean states, "probably looks sick." Just then Sam points to one of the monitors that seems to go out and back fuzzy distorting the images, "now we're talking." Dean grins.

The building is shaped to the point where the hallways go around in circles, the guys take the shortest way to where Pestilence is while I take the long way around hoping to get the drop on him; however as I'm moving about slowly gun in hand I notice gross piles of sick on the floor, people passed out or dead next to those gross piles thank God I'm no longer pregnant I don't think I could handle this mess if I was. As the room gets closer and closer, I hear retching and heavy breathing; must be the guys.

"The Doctor will see you now," someone hisses and I freeze just around the corner from the room; there's the sound of shuffling followed by a door being pulled open.

Peeking my head around the corner I see a doctor and nurse farther back who are more than likely dead, blood spatters cover the floor which look fresh what I do notice is that nothing seems to be affecting me like it does the other people that are still alive in this place I wonder if what's inside of me is protecting me from harm. Putting my back against the wall right next to the open door I hear an older gentleman talking well sounds more like gloating to me.

"You boys don't look well, it might be the uh, Scarlet fever or uh the meningitis." My throat tightens, "or the Syphilis. That's no fun, however you feel right now? It's gonna get so very, very much worse. Questions?" I breathe through my mouth trying to keep the gross smells out of my nose, "Disease gets a bad rap, don't you think? For being filthy, chaotic. Uh, but really that just describes who people who get sick; disease itself...very...pure single-minded. Bacteria have one purpose – divide and conquer." There's groaning as something happens in the room that I can't see, I know I need to go in but there's something holding me back, "that's why in the always wins. So, you've got to wonder why God pours all his love into something so messy and weak it's ridiculous. All I can do is show him he's wrong, one epidemic at a time.... now Melanie why don't you be a dear and join us?"

There's groaning which kind of sounds like someone protesting my entrance but keeping the gun in front of me I enter pointing it at the aging doctor who is Pestilence.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he says, "and I'm curious as to why my presence doesn't affect you."

"I've had my shots," I grunt.

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