Chapter One Hundred and Forty - The Return and the lies there In

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I suck in a loud breathe gasping for air realizing that I'm no longer in Purgatory, it's raining hard and I've landed somewhere in a parking lot outside a dingy motel; my clothes are soaked as I make my way across to look for someone to tell me where I am. As I'm headed towards the building with the front desk inside, I spy the Impala and sigh in relief, Dean and Sam must be here. I go to the door that's directly in front of the car and knock three times hoping beyond hope that I have the right room; someone's heavy footsteps approach and I hear someone say, "if you let it, this is gonna keep messing with you. You got to work past it." The door opens then and a shirtless Sam Winchester stares back eyes wide in surprise, "Melanie?"

"Hiya Sammy," I grin, "can I uh come in?"

Before he can say anything, Dean mutters something unintelligible so I try to see past him inside the room, but he blocks my view.

"No offense right now," he mutters, "but I need to know it's really you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you need me to do."

He turns away closing the door slightly, I hear Dean softly humming to himself, but I still can't see him, he says something to Sam but doesn't come to greet me yet. When Sam comes back, he's got a shirt on, a flask, a silver knife and a jug of probably borax mixed with water; he holds the flask out first and I take a large swallow knowing that it's probably holy water. He nods when nothing happens then hands me the knife which I make a small incision on my left forearm and red blood cascades down my arm slowly; lastly, he pops the tap on the jug and dumps it on my exposed skin. Sam then pulls me into a tight hug burying his face into my dirty hair not caring that I've popped up out of nowhere or that I'm soaking wet from the storm outside, he releases me while pulling me into the room closing the door behind us. Dean is sitting in a large chair across the room looking through papers

"You're really here?" he asks but doesn't get up and I nod, "How? What happened?"

"I don't know, maybe Cass saved me I can't remember much," I tell him, but I can see the uncertainty and fear in his eyes so excusing myself I leave the room shutting myself in the bathroom and lean over the sink, is there something wrong with me? Did I say something wrong to make him look at me that way? Sniffling I stare at myself in the mirror wondering what happened to me in Purgatory. I could have sworn I died and went beyond but how the hell am I here now? I wash my face a few times with just water, reach for a towel and turn almost jumping out of my skin when Castiel appears beside me.

"Hello Melanie," he says in his monotone voice and I scowl, "how the hell are you here?"

Before he can respond the bathroom door bursts open to reveal Dean standing there.

"Umbrella man," Dean gasps, "I-I cannot believe it. You're actually here."

'Yeah," Cass nods, "I've been trying to reach out, but for whatever reason I wasn't at full power. So, I couldn't connect with you."

Somehow, I can sense the lie behind his words, but Dean doesn't even notice.

"That must have been why you kept seeing him," Sam says, "I mean, you think?"

"Yeah, yeah," we file out of the bathroom, "I got to be honest, I – I'm thinking how the hell did you make it out? I mean the both of you, I was there, I-I know that place, I know how we had to scratch and claw and kill and bleed to find that portal and make it through it," his eyes look sad, "so how exactly are the both of you here with us right now?"

I sit on the edge of the one beds while Cass sits at the table across from Sam.

"Dean," Cass starts, "everything you said is completely true and that's the strange part. I...have no idea. I remember trying to get Melanie out of there, but she pushed me away, told me it was too late, and she was already going then I was running and hiding from Leviathan. As I was running, I ended up on the side of the road in Illinois. And...that was it."

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