Chapter 174 - Heel, bitches!

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Groaning I sit upright from the floor, what the hell? My eyes widen getting a look at Charlie on our bed and Dean sitting next to her.

"Dean?" I mutter, "what uh what happened/"

He comes over taking me in his arms.

"Dean?" I prod when he doesn't answer right away, he then pulls back, "the witch came back and got the drop on you right after she got Charlie."

"Then why ain't I dead?" I snap.

"That's a good question," just then Sammy and another woman appears, "I nicked her with a bullet and she got the key I think she's gone."

"She's wounded," the new woman claims, "we should still have some time, she could still be in the air vents."

Charlie tries to get up, but Dean makes her sit back down since she's still wobbly on her feet, the woman, who I'm assuming is Dorothy says she'll look after Charlie while we go after the witch; following Sam out the door I swoop down grabbing Charlie's gun on the way out whatever ammo they made is perfect against the witch at least that's what I'm going to trust anyway. Dean finally catches up to us and asks why Sam hasn't fully moved into his room and he argues that he has no real memories of his home or what it was like to have one especially now that we've moved around so much and slept in so many motel beds.

"I mean after a lifetime of crappy motel rooms and abandon buildings," Dean quips, "I mean this is about as close to home as we're gonna get, and it's ours."

In the main room we're stumped as all hell wondering where this stupid witch bitch could be, we've combed all the rooms in this place.

"What do you think?" Sam asks, "is she gone?"

I turn to tell Sam something when the witch finally appears, "Sam!" I shout and shove him hard out of the way, and we tumble over the table however when I try to get to my feet, she tries to shoot me with more green lightning and I dodge her again disappearing into the kitchen. I lean against the tiled wall of the room right next to the door wondering what she's doing, but when I turn to check both her and the guys are gone, ah hell what did she do to them? With gun in hand, I make a run through the 'War Room' to try and find them or Dorothy hopefully I'm not too late, the wicked witch seems to have real beef with Dorothy especially if they were trapped together at least that's what Sam told me as we searched for the witch. There's the sound of scuffling and grunts in the garage but then Charlie appears running from the hall and she looks at me wide eyed, "she's bringing!" she announces quickly and out of breath, "we've got to stop her."

"What about Dorothy?" I ask and she shakes her head, "she's holding off Sam and Dean for now, the witch has taken them over like uh puppets."

"And what do we stop the witch with?" I ask and she holds up a pair of red ruby shoes, "seriously?"

"Yeah, Dorothy said to stab her with these."

She hands me a heeled shoe just as we hear the damn witch cackling on the upper floor, we nod as she takes off towards the spiral staircase and I follow, once we reach the top though the redhead ducks just as a rush of wind and something else flies by and knocks me off balance, the shoe I'm holding falls from my grip and sails to the ground below. I almost follow said shoe to the ground too, but I had clung onto the little ledge beneath the banister bashing my knees off the cement wall where I hang as Charlie yells at the witch, not only can I hear them fighting but I hear the cackling and screaming of something else probably wherever that key had opened up to bring into this world. My fingers begin to ache as I scrabble for a foot hold on the stone walls, if I had my powers still, I'd just let go and use them to reappear with Charlie, but my magic no longer exists.

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