Chapter Nineteen - The Clap among other Things

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We arrive at the high rise where the witch stays; Sam and I are in the front while Dad and Dean are crowded in the back watching over our shoulders waiting for him to emerge to scam more people of their years. I nod off after a while after the long drive and late night, no one dares to wake me until Patrick is long gone.

"Let's go," Sam whispers in my ear and I almost punch him in the nose, "sorry," I mutter, "don't you know not to wake a woman so rudely."

When we all get inside the lobby dad sighs in defeat and heads back to the van since the elevator is out of service. Sam and I start up the stairs with ease, but I start to slow down from the baby I'm growing and Dean's going even slower which we point out to Dean that we're only on level two and he groans in exasperation. I really do try to keep up with Sam, but it gets harder and harder however we finally make it to the top where room 3701, I can hear Dean huffing and puffing as he climbs the last few steps while Sam finds the right lock pick.

"You doing alright, Lennie?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, just a little out of shape," I breathe even though deep down I know that it's not true; it's the pregnancy already making me slower than my usual self.

Sam and Dean search the apartment after he picks the lock while I take a seat near the kitchen table, after a while Dean calls out that he found a safe, he tries to pick it like he usually would, but he can't seem to see the numbers properly. I go to help him but when I touch the dial it magically spins unlocking the safe. Both guys turn towards me eyes wide in surprise, but I shrug unsure of myself as to why that happened with just a touch; maybe it's that untapped power that Zachariah mentioned to me. Beyond the open safe door is so many chips but as the guys are scooping them out a woman voice shouts at us, "what are you doing?" Sam, Dean and I turn around eyes wide.

"Aren't you the chick from the bar?" Dean asks surprised.

"I'm a lot more than that," she growls closing her fist, the guys and myself start to choke on the air and my thoughts go directly to my growing bean, "please," I gasp, "please don't do this.... I'm pregnant." The guy who I'm assuming is Patrick swoops in knocking the woman's arms away which releases her magical hold on us.

"It's alright," he tells the woman, "they're harmless."

I can feel Dean's eyes on me, I know he heard what I said but I couldn't risk losing this child because of a witch who has a happy trigger finger.

"I am so sorry young lady," he extends a hand to me, "she had no idea you must be newly pregnant," I nod once, then he turns to the guys after helping me to my feet, "you boys want chips? Take 'em they're just chips, Einsteins. It's showmanship. This may come as a shock, but the magic does not lie in a pile of crappy plywood or in any phony abracadabra. It's in the nine-hundred-year-old witch."

My eyes widen, he's really that old?

"You boys want years, score 'em the old-fashioned way. Texas hold 'em."

"Fine," Dean grunts, "let's do this."

He pulls a card from inside his jacket holding it out to Dean and I can see it's the eight of hearts, "what card am I holding up?" and of course Dean squints unable to see much of anything, "that's what I thought. If your eyesight's that bad, what about your memory? I'm not a murderer; you on the other hand," his eyes go to Sam.

"No," Dean snaps.

"Dean," Sam goes to argue when Patrick says, "what, Sam not much of a player? Okay, well happy trails, Dean. Enjoy the twilight of your life." He looks at me, "sorry your baby daddy won't be around much longer, he should have taken better care of his ticker."

The door to the apartment opens without anyone touching it and he ushers us out, but before Sam clears the door the witch claps three times.

"What are you doing?" Sam snaps.

"You'll find out soon enough," he answers with a grin then shuts the door.

The three of us are silent on the way back down, Sam however has to stop every few feet to scratch at his uh man bits/inner thighs and just as he goes to scratch again in the lobby I start laughing realizing what the witch did.

"What?" he asks annoyed.

"I believe that he-witch gave you the clap."

Dean and I burst with laughter as Sam storms out ahead of us, but he grabs my arm once the lobby doors shut tight.

"What, Dean?"

"You're pregnant?"

I look away, but don't pull out the photo because right now isn't a good time, "I don't want to talk about this right now, not with your life in the balance after you traded your years away so carelessly."

I storm out of the lobby joining Sam and Dad in the van while Dean lags behind, I can tell he's upset but he brought this on himself I wanted to tell him but him tossing his years of life away like he did makes me wonder what kind of dad he'll be. We head back to the motel and park in the back like they were before, however I tell them I need some fresh air before we dive into a new plan on getting Dean's years back, again he goes to argue that it's not safe and I raise an eyebrow daring him to mention my pregnancy in front of dad, but he doesn't letting me walk out of the room without further argument. They're going to try and take out the witch whether by tricking him or playing the game to win the years back but the only real one who can try to win the years back is Sam at least that's what they're saying. I grind my teeth heading in a random direction down the street when I notice the witch's woman through one of the bar windows and head inside. I march right up to the witch startling her but she doesn't try and harm me instead she smiles, "looking for trouble, sweetie?"

"Where's Patrick?" I ask.

'Downstairs," she smirks, "working like always."

"Thanks," I tell her then head off around back to hit the cards with him, "wait," she calls out, "you're not going to play him, are you?"

"And if I am?" I look over my shoulder.

"What about your child?"

I touch my belly, "I'll do anything for his or her father; he's family and when you have a love like mine, no matter how much they push your buttons, you'll do anything for it." She has a strange look in her eyes as I turn back around to head outside, but when I look back she's gone from the stool, somehow I know where she went but at the same time it doesn't really bother me.



"I'm a nice guy," he responds, "what can I do for you?"

"Is this what you meant to give Dean, Melanie?"he smirks, "I thought we were playing fair."

"I'm all in," I grunt.

"How far along are you?" Dean asks.

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