Chapter Fifty - Seven - A Year Later

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The alarm goes off early in the morning followed by the baby monitor going off.

"Mum, mum," the voice repeats, "up!"

Dean rolls beside me hitting the snooze button, he's been doing that a lot more lately but this time he rolls to face me a slight pout to his lips.

"What is it?" I ask.

"She's been stuck on mom forever," he whines, "when will she say dad or dada?"

"Dean it takes a while, she just learned to crawl a few months ago, now she's standing on her own," I kiss his nose, "I don't want her growing up too fast, ya know."

He kisses me softly on the mouth his tongue poking at my lips which I give him access to, he presses against me his member digging into my thigh; I know what he wants but he's going to be late and Cassie wants her breakfast. We celebrated her one-year birthday about a month and a half ago, the neighbors were here with their kids as was dad; I even allowed Dean's friend Lisa over with her son Ben, she's really not that bad of a person once you get to know her.

"Dean," I sigh once he releases me for air, "you're going to be late, plus your daughter gets cranky without breakfast."

His hand taps my butt as he crawls out of bed, his boxers forming a tent and I giggle at the sight; he wiggles his hips making it sway back and forth before going into the bathroom for a hot shower. We haven't been really intimate since before Cassie was born, I miss it but there's always something that gets in the way, maybe I could ask Sid's wife to watch her tonight so Dean and I can be alone for a bit, she wouldn't mind some baby fever. Once I'm sure I hear the shower running I get out of bed wiping the sweat off the back of my neck, beside my bed on the nightstand is a glass of water and anxiety medication, I'd gone to a doctor a few weeks after I got back from Hell the nightmares and hallucinations were just too much. Dean wasn't in a right state of mind for a while either; he had nightmares and drank quite heavily for the first few months of starting our new life together.

Cassie calls to me some more through the monitor, I'm sure her diaper is ripe as well; sighing I go to her room to find the blankets and stuffed animals all over the floor she giggles when I gasp at the mess.

"Now who's going to clean this up, hmm?" I ask her.

"Da," she states plain as day my mouth pops open, "CJ, what did you say?"

I started calling her CJ when she was beginning to understand words, it fits well I think and Dean's slowly calling her that too when they're playing together; but she tilts her head unsure of if what she said was bad, but when I pick her up she wiggles in my arms.

"What's wrong doll?"

"Da," she insists saying the word again.

Pounding bare feet come from the hallway and I know that Dean heard what she said in the monitor, he's in nothing but a towel which hangs loosely around his waist; his hair is wet plastered to his skull.

"You got your wish, rockstar," I grin, "she wants nothing to do with me now."

He comes into the room practically naked taking his daughter in his arms; she doesn't mind that his skin is still damp as she lays her head against his shoulder.

"Bug, daddy's got to get dressed," he tells her, "so go with mom for now, okay?"

She looks at his face hoping that he'll just take her instead, but she just nods and says 'da' sadly this time; his grin can't be big enough that she's using a word for dad now, but he hands her back to me partially wet. I'll get her dressed later we always have breakfast in our pajamas before starting the day unless Dean has to go work which today, he does. I watch him leave the room with a skip in his step to finish getting ready. Smiling to myself I change her diaper putting on a fresh one and pull her pajama pants back on for our morning adventures. With Cassie on my hip, we head downstairs to the kitchen; dad helped us find this place on the cheap side because it needed some light work done which he didn't mind doing for us as long as he got to spend more time with me and Cassie. She fights to get into the chair trying to make a game out of it by kicking her feet like she does with her father; once seated I buckle her in because the last time I left her unbuckled she stood up waving her arms around in triumph.

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