Chapter Ninety - Nine - We've got what We need

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In a flash Dean comes sliding across the hardwood floor out of nowhere almost bumping into the couch an empty bottle in his hands, his clothes have changed that seem to match the time he was in better; all of it dark brown or black, leather in material it seems. In the doorway to the main hall is Sam with Cassie in his arms her clothes have changed into what looks like a long nightgown or something probably blended in better than what she disappeared in. Her face is dirty streaked with dust, eyes wide in surprise and fear she struggles in her uncle's arms to be put down catching sight of me I think and when he does, she comes straight for me burying her face in my thigh. Letting go of dad I kneel taking her in my arms, she smells of outdoors and hay but there's still a hint of shampoo in her curls.

"You gotta send us back," Dean commands of Cass but the Angel in question is barely hanging on now and Sam says, "Dean, look at him. He's fried."

"I never want to do that again," he mutters.

Cassie is trembling in my arms, but she's not crying or saying a word I wonder what she saw when she went with them; I want to be angry with her for running away but I can't with how relieved I am to have her back maybe I'll just have a little talk with her later. I turn to look at dad over my shoulder, "you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm still kickin'," he nods, "be back good as new in...a decade or two."

"We screwed the pooch, guys. I'm sorry." Dean mutters.

At that precise moment there's a knocking on the front door, Dean sets the empty bottle on dad's desk while I stand still holding Cassie; she's heavy but I don't mind she's not afraid of me right now but maybe she'll change her tune later after she's calmed down from her adventure. I rock her gently in my arms while Sam talks to whoever is at the door when Dean turns to me his eyes go wide seeing the bandage on my face; he comes over pulling it off rather roughly and I wince at the sting as the bandage comes free of my skin.

"What the hell happened?"

"I uh fought an Angel," I say, "saved Cass's ass and this happened."

He turns to his friend who is still wobbly on his feet, "tell me you didn't," Dean commands and I know what he's asking but when he doesn't respond Dean takes a threatening step forward I say, "Dean don't, he did what he had to do; just let it go."

"Let it go!" he shouts, "you could have been killed or lost your eye or worse!"

Sam comes back around the corner a medium sized wooden box in his hands, what he pulls out makes Dean stop his harassment about my injury.

"Is that what I think it is?" Dad asks.

"Ashes of a Phoenix," Dean says, "you know what this means?" and dad chuckles ever so slightly, "that I didn't get a soulonoscopy for nothing."

"Yes and it means we get to take the fight to her!" Dean grins at all of us.

While the guys take the ashes to do whatever they need to with them I take my daughter upstairs who is finally calm and still in my arms, she snuggles her head tight against my neck, not letting the collar bother her, as if she's afraid I'll vanish from under her grip. In the bathroom I go to set her down, but she holds tight to my neck which I have to pry her hands off being a little rougher than necessary but it's making me choke because of the added weight on my skin.

"CJ, you have to let go," I say softly, "mommy's got to take care of you now. You're home and you're safe."

At this she does let go and stands hunkered in on herself as if she doesn't want to be seen by anyone trying to become invisible; I reach for the nightgown she has on and lift it up over her head as she raises her little arms. I toss the raggedy thing in the hamper and look her over; there's no signs to indicate that she got caught in the crossfires; the only thing that's wrong with her is how dirty she is and that she seems to be mentally scarred from whatever she saw. I turn to start the bath and she clings to my pants following me the short distance to the tub, I'm afraid that she's probably seen a monster in its natural state or seen someone actually die maybe I should send her off with Jody or have Cass stash her wherever he had her when Eve planted the Khan worm in my head.

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