Chapter One Hundred and Thirty - Reunion of a Different Kind

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All three of us are dressed and are arming back up.

"We combed the crap out of this place," Dean complains, "if Annie's there and we didn't find her..." Sam sighs, "it's because something didn't want us to."

"That's great," my body is here but my mind is on the flask hanging out in my back pocket, "well let's get this party started."

I follow them inside flashlights burning bright against the dark walls and furniture; Sam and Dean take the downstairs as I take the upstairs this time while hollering for Annie, but deep down I know she can't respond because she's probably dead and it takes years for a ghost to manifest let alone move things. After a while Dean's voice calls Sam and I back and we race to find him holding a recorder, "slimer," is what he says as we approach.

"What?" Sam and I ask as the same time, "check it out."

He holds the camera turning it around for us to watch the last clip on it, there are two teenage boys talking about the latest killings here I must have missed something because Sam tells his brother to stop.

"Frame it back a little," he murmurs, "now stop."

There standing visible is Annie and I swallow a lump in my throat.

"She's here," Dean breathes, "and not in a good way." He looks around us, "Annie?" and then Sam tries when there's no response followed by my own voice calling out for both her and dad.

As Sam calls for Annie again a Victorian aged woman appears next to me making us jump.

"Whoa!" I shout and point the shotgun at her cocking it, but she raises her hands, "please. I'm Victoria – Victoria Dodd."

"Where'd you come from?" Sam asks.

"Here," she gestures around her to the dilapidated building, "I was a fancy lady."

"A...hooker?" Dean asks and she glares at him, "uh, is Annie here?" Sam asks drawing Victoria's attention to him, "yes, you can't see her. No, you're not standing on her."

I had moved a bit afraid that that's what I was doing.

"I will," she says to someone on her left, "in my day we believed in polite conversation." Victoria turns back to us, "Annie's in terrible danger, we all are."


She looks around her making sure it's safe, "Whitman Van Ness," her voice is almost too soft to hear, "but he's dead, right?" Dean's question makes her face cross with worry and apprehension as if she's worried that showing herself to us is worth the risk.

"Don't worry," I tell her, "we're professionals; it's just been a long few days. He's holding you here, isn't he?" She nods, "okay so define this terrible danger."

"Whitman has great power over all of us in the house. He killed Annie; she says you can free us. Please you must..." she screams in agony then her body lighting up with fire as if we torched her bones. We cover our faces as the light is blinding then put our arms down after it's gone, well shit there goes our only hope.

"Victoria?" Sam calls for her even though we know she's permanently gone, "I'm gonna say she was telling the truth," Dean mutters, "considering that she just ghost killed."

"Come on," I spit through gritted teeth, "we know whose bones to salt and burn, we can't waste any more time."

As one we head back out to the car and jump inside, Dean driving, Sam in shotgun and I in the back behind the passenger seat. Sam's researching from his phone where Whitman was buried telling Dean where to go when the car starts to accelerate more than necessary, Sam makes a comment about it, but his brother says it's not him and I feel the car start to go even faster while Dean starts to fight with the wheel and brakes to get the damn thing to stop. Just as I go to shout for them to check their pockets Van Ness appears next to me grabbing my throat with his skinny fingers stopping the words that were going to spill out; my gasp of surprise and struggle alerts Sam and he grabs a thing of salt from the bag at his feet and tosses the lot into the ghost's face and he disappears temporarily. With that Dean is able to slam on the brakes, put the car in park and we jump out as I massage my throat where the man's hands had been, my husband is furious.

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