Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight - Food and Family

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We've bounced back and forth between a few more jobs coming out on top most of the time; no serious injuries either which was great; I've pretty much come to terms with being okay again well at least okay as I was before I helped Sam. Dean's been really needy with wanting my attention now that Satan isn't riding shotgun anymore, the last few motels we've gotten two rooms because Dean can't keep his hands to himself on our down time or when we're supposed to be researching; I pitied Sam then.

"Here we go gents," I say with a smile, the both of them leaning against the hood of our newest ride, "fresh off the food truck."

"You know," Dean starts as he begins to distribute the food, "even though the world is going to crap, there's only thing I can always count on," I raise an eyebrow at him and he says, "well two things, you and these things tasting the same in every drive-through in every state of our great nation."

He takes a bite just as a phone begins to ring, Sam and I pat our pockets and Dean grabs his answering it.

"Annie, hey," he grins with a mouthful, "a nice surprise, how you been?"

He talks with Annie, an old friend of dad's while I trash the rest of the stuff to keep the car neat and so I don't have to worry about it later, when I come back Dean's off the phone and they're finishing up eating.

"What'd Annie want?" I ask.

"She has some books of Bobby's thought we'd want them," he tells me, "we'll be meeting her for lunch tomorrow."

"Please tell me we're going to that Pier restaurant?" I ask and he smiles, "yeah how'd you guess?"

"Dad," my smile falters, "he...he uh took me there one time, Annie needed help with something, so I tagged along. I guess that's how she ended up with some of his books."

The boys look to each other sadness in their eyes but don't bring it up again, we pile in Sam driving this time as Dean takes shotgun to catch some sleep before we make it to our next motel stop; I wonder what kind of books she has of dad's, I wonder what dad's doing right now hopefully something relaxing. Reaching for my bag I pull out the flask after refilling yesterday and take a few sips when Dean's hand appears between the seats.

"Don't be selfish, sweetheart," I hear the amusement in his voice, so I take my hand lick it from palm to fingertips then touch his hand with mine and he yelps in surprise, "what the hell!?"

"Oops," I giggle, "my bad Dean-o."

"Very funny," he grumbles and Sam laughs, "good one."

Being nice this time I hand the flask over and he takes a long draw from it before handing it back; he knows that if I were to lose it or not have it on me I'd go berserk. We crash at the nearest motel to the restaurant that we'll be meeting Annie at tomorrow of course Sam is able to afford us two rooms; he tosses the keys to his brother before saying he's going down to the bar for a few drinks before hitting the hay. I'm sitting cross legged on the queen bed when Dean comes in with our bags and sets them on the table by the door; he looks me up and down then faintly licks his lips.

"Dean?" I can already feel the tears, "do you think dad's in a good place? Do you think maybe that he...he..." he comes over taking me in his arms, "Mel, I think he's fine, I know you want to believe that he's been helping us but the both of us were so close to the man especially you being his kid and all."

"I wish I could know for sure that he's happy," I mutter and he kisses my temple, "I feel the same sweetheart; but we won't really know what's on the other side for sure till we're gone for good." He nuzzles my hair with his nose, "I know you're still beating yourself up over it, so am I."

"I just always think about the 'what ifs' Dean, like what if I hadn't left you in radio silence for so long, what if I'd have sent dad away before I was capture...." He covers my mouth with his left hand, which is still ringless, "I know, I know but dwelling on it won't change the past, believe me I've tried it myself."

His hands tilt my face up to his, kissing my forehead then my cheeks before landing on my lips but when they become more urgent and needy I back away a little breathless but still sane.

"What is it?"

I shake my head.

"Lennie, talk to me, please," he begs, "did I do something wrong?"

I stare at him remembering the Amazon woman and he pales, yeah, I think, I don't ever want you to forget that.

"You want to know where my thoughts were when I found out you knocked her up?" he doesn't look at me, "I thought, I wanted to have more children with him, why couldn't it have been me? I wanted to bring it up to you but thought it too soon and then I got slapped in the face with that."

"You want more?" he asks blinking and I nod, "why didn't you say so before?"

"I was afraid," I admit, "afraid of betraying Cassie, afraid you'd be unhappy about it. Especially since we're on the same path we were before Cassie was born."

We're silent then, after a while he pulls me against him then down onto the bed, not in a sexual way but just a comforting 'I'm here for you' way; I nuzzle my face against his clothed chest as we lie wrapped in each other's arms.

"Can I say something?" he asks after a while and I nod, "would you uh, would you put your ring back on? I know we've still got a ways to go in fixing what is broken, but I can't bear looking at you without it."

"Alright, but as long as you wear yours too."

He pulls himself out of bed and goes over to his duffle and pulls out a small leather pouch dumping the contents into his palm; however, he doesn't slip his own ring on instead he comes over and gestures for my left hand which I give him willingly. I watch him slowly slip the ring on then kiss my knuckles lightly, he hands me his ring which I slip onto his left hand as well

"I love you," he breathes, "I know I screwed up, but that doesn't change the way I feel about you."

"I love you too."

I pull him into bed with me and kiss him hard on the mouth invigorating his enthusiasm from before which he takes to with even more excitement; neither of us have a condom but it doesn't stop us from tearing our clothes off and making up like we're two horny teenagers. Granted before when he was needy and clingy, we never really had sex because I just wasn't that comfortable with it because of everything that happened, but now I don't care I just want him. Maybe tonight we'll start our family again, make a new little life that we'll protect even more than before, but if we don't then it's not like we can't keep trying which both of us will still enjoy immensely. Panting and sweating we lie sprawled in bed together, covers strewn about covering everything below our belly buttons, bare legs sticking out here and there; his lips still leave lingering kisses on my cheeks as we come down from our sex high.

"Have I mentioned how great you are?" he murmurs against my skin, "how beautiful and badass you are? How I never want to let you leave my bed?"

"Mmm maybe a time or two," I murmur back sleepily, "after everything Dean," rolling sideways to face him I touch his cheek, "I know I can forgive you, for that, but like you said it'll take time."

"I'm not rushing you darlin'," he kisses my hand, "I'll give you all the time you need." I smile at him, "that's why I love you."

We kiss once more before covering up adequately and falling asleep our naked bodies pressed together.



"Annie's not usually one to be late, is she?"

We get in the car then as he nods even though I can tell he's not really happy about my logic.

Free me...

"Sam!" Dean shouts and he comes in a second later, "what?"

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