Chapter One Hundred and One - Muddled Brain

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"Oh god, Melanie!" the voice is even more familiar than the boots, "wake up sweetheart!"

I move my almost frozen eyes to his face as he picks me up off the floor, there's blood seeping out of a wound in his neck which doesn't seem to be bothering him especially since he just found me like this.

"Dean," my voice cracks, "you're.... you're h-h-here."

My teeth are chattering wildly now that my body is out of the freezer, he clutches me close as we go out to the front of the restaurant; he holds me tight against his chest as we make our way to the others who are standing in the midst of dead bodies. Castiel charges over taking me from Dean who starts to protest but I can feel his Angelic power coursing through me, warming me, healing my concussion, along with my other wounds then the collar disappears from my neck reappearing on the counter next to us.

"Why now?" I ask but he doesn't say anything setting me down on a bar stool; Dean comes over crushing me in a tight hug, "what's going on?"

"Melanie," Dean says, "there was an accident; we got ambushed... at the police station..." he trails off when I pull away, "where is my daughter, Dean?"

"You need to stay calm," dad grunts as Dean's voice takes on a somber tone, "she's gone, Lennie."

"Gone!" I snap, "what do you mean gone!?!"

I feel the blood rising to my cheeks, my heart thumping madly but what really bowls me over is Castiel reaching into an inner pocket of his trench coat and pulling out the necklace he gave her then holds it out to me. At this I feel the color all but drain from my face; I'd rather freeze to death than know my daughter died because we drug her along. My hands shake but I can't reach out and take it if I do it'll really push me over the edge, Dean's got both hands on my shoulders afraid that letting me go will result in destruction and he's right. Outside the wind begins to howl against the building, the glass creaks and groans in their frames as I rise from the bar stool feeling the heat behind my eyes to the point where I have to blink rapidly to hold back the tide of tears threatening to spill. All the men step back from me as I walk across the restaurant, where the hell did they take her body? What happened to her? I go to leave then seeing as she's not here when Dean's voice stops me, "Cass sent her home, Mel, she's waiting for us to say goodbye."

"Waiting...right," I mutter, "I need to be alone. Thank you for releasing me, Castiel."

Without a thought I gesture with one hand disappearing from view, I reappear in dad's study finding his desk cleared except for a covered shape lying in the middle of it; my heart jams itself in my throat almost blocking off my airways as I struggle to see through my tear-filled eyes. I go over and pull back the sheet to find Cassie's sleeping face then I shake my head remembering she's not sleeping but dead; dead because we just had to go after Eve and not leave her with someone safer than us. Part of her skull looks crushed in like someone stepped on it or crushed it with their bare hands, I touch her cheek which is pale and cold; Castiel probably could have saved her but was either incapacitated or her soul had already fled her body in hopes of better sanctuary from where she had been living for only two and a half years of her little life.

"I'm so sorry," are the words I get out, "mommy's so sorry CJ; if I could rewind the clock, I'd save you; leave you with Jody not drag you into the mess that we were in. Please..." my voice cracks full of emotion, "please.... I hope you can forgive me someday. I love you, my little Rockstar."

When I hear the faint sounds of wings telling me that Cass is returning with my family, I cover her face and take myself back to the restaurant where Eve's crumpled and gray body lies on its back; not caring I pick it up by the throat hoisting it high and crush its already dead windpipe with my fingers the flesh giving way under my fingers.

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