Chapter 184 - Grace Extraction

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While Sam and Castiel are searching for the Men of Letters oversized needle I go to mine and Dean's room trying to keep panic from rising in my chest, am I really going to let our angel friend stick a large ass needle in me to get at the Grace? Am I really willing to risk my life or health for this? Wiping sweaty palms on the legs of my jeans I pull out my cell, hit the speed dial for Dean's number; when he doesn't answer I take that as a sign as I'm not supposed to talk to him, so I hang up without leaving a message. Hearing two pairs of footsteps coming down the hall I emerge to find Cass and Sam carrying a decent sized wooden box; again I feel myself pale at knowing what's to come next, but I don't stop instead I follow them to the medical room farthest away from my room.

"Hey Lennie?" Castiel motions for me to walk beside him, "yeah Cass?"

"Could I uh ask you a question?"

"Sure what's up?

Sam has pulled ahead of us; he probably knows what Cass is going to ask and doesn't want to intrude.

"The trials," Cass begins after a few steps, "you chose not to go through with them for a reason, didn't you? You chose to live rather than sacrifice yourself. You chose Dean, you chose this family."

"Yeah, I did," I nod once, "and then, well, Dean made a choice for me."

"What Dean did –" he starts to defend my husband, but I put a hand up, "it doesn't matter what Dean did Castiel, I could have just kept going, closed Hell, for good."

"Lennie..." Cass sighs out my name as if he truly understands the sacrifice I was going to make. Sam has disappeared around the corner as I come to a stop, "Look I don't know what the guys told you, but Dean he, he left after I told him how angry I was with what he did. Doing this is what I'm supposed to do, I can feel it, finding the bastard who possessed me, I can fix this for all of us."

I start walking again following the sound of Sam setting things up in the medical room, he turns to me as we enter.

"Being human means something different to us than it does to anyone or anything else," I growl, "we know when to let go, when to sacrifice and when we need to pay our debts," I place myself on the gurney closest to where Sam has the needle out, "and doing this will fix that."

Sam adjusts the gurney so it's upright and I can lean back into it without difficulty or feeling off-balance. Castiel pulls the needle from its container, Sam stands to the right of me while Cass is on my left; he explains that the procedure calls to pull the grace from the neck area below the ear which is painful enough as it is. The needle sinks home into my flesh and I hiss in pain, the needle is so much larger than ones I've seen and used before, my eyes start to water as he holds it still, "now this next part is the most painful, try not to move I'm gonna begin the extraction."

Just as he finishes his sentence, I feel him move slightly pulling the plunger back to fill the syringe, I gasp and pant in agony trying not to scream or pull away; Sam has his hand in mine as I squeeze it painfully.

" it working?" I pant aloud feeling sweat bead on my skin, "yeah," Cass answers but he sounds hesitant.

"But?" Sam asks for me since my teeth are clenched so tight.

"I-I need to push the needle in deeper," the angel confesses, "we need more Grace in order to cast the spell."

"Okay, do it," I hiss in response dizzy with pain.

"If I get to close to –" I grab Cass's hand with my right after removing it from Sam's to keep him from removing the needle, "damn it Cass, just do it!"

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