Chapter Eight - Unexpected Surprise

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I play with War's ring in my hand keeping it from falling on my finger, who knows what would happen if it did, when Dean approaches from the car; we're parked at a rest area halfway home.

"So pit stop at Mt. Doom?" he asks jokingly.

"Ha ha," I say not looking at him.

Sam joins us, "I know you don't trust me, Dean," he starts before we can say anything, "just now I realized something, I don't trust me either." Both Dean and I look at him, "From the minute I saw that blood back at the sporting goods shop; the only thought in my head.... I just miss the feeling. I know how messed up that sounds, which means I know how messed up I am. Thing is, the problem's not the demon blood, not really. I mean, what I did, I can't blame the blood or Ruby or.... or anything. The problem's me, how far I'll go. There's something in me that...scares the hell out of me. Dean, Lennie the last couple of days I caught another glimpse..."

"What are you saying, Sam?" I ask afraid to know the answer.

"I'm in no shape to be hunting," he admits, "I need to step back, cause I'm dangerous maybe it's best we just...go our separate ways."

"Well I think you're right," Dean states and I turn to him in shock, "you can't mean that; he's your brother."

"I do mean it," he snaps, "what we've gone through, how hard we've fought to just end up with this crap hole..." Sam cuts him off, "I was expecting a fight."

"The truth is, I spend more time worrying about you than about doing the job right," Dean states, "and I just, I can't afford that, you know. Not now."

"I'm sorry, Dean."

"I know you are Sam." The younger Winchester turns to walk away, "hey, do you uh wanna take the Impala?"

Sam shakes his head then turns to look over his shoulder at us, "take care of yourself Dean and you too Lennie lookout for each other," then he grabs a bag from the trunk of the car when I race after him pulling his tall frame into a tight hug, "call me, Sam. If anything happens and I mean anything I'll always be here. You're my best friend, you're family."

He hugs me back but doesn't say anything else then lets go to hitch a ride from someone parked down the line of travelers. I watch arms wrapped around myself as a random trucker lets him have passage and they take off down the highway, not once does he look back or put a hand out the window in goodbye, I let a tear escape as Dean comes up behind me laying his hands on my shoulders squeezing softly. His touch is comforting, soothing but I can't shake this feeling that Sam leaving isn't for the best, but for the worst for all of us; I can only hope that he finds what he's looking for on his own while secretly hoping he'll see the mistake he made and come back to us.

After a few days of travelling, we get my dad settled back at the house in his wheelchair, he grumbled and griped for a while that we need to quit fussing over him and sent us on our way to a vamp nest that needs taken care of. Dean gets us set up in a motel one of the smaller ones that we usually stay in when him and Sam are on a case; Sam hasn't messaged me to tell me if he got settled somewhere and is doing okay or not.

"Lennie?" Dean's voice draws me from my thoughts and I look up, "I've been trying to talk to you for the last few minutes, are you okay?"

"Just worried about Sam," I say truthfully, "he wasn't in his right state of mind when he left us; I just wish he would have stayed."

"He's a big boy," he sits next to me on the bed, "he'll get through this and we'll have him back if he wants to be with us."

I nod as he pats my knee then stands up again pulling his dress clothes from one of our bags, I know Sam would usually go with him to talk with the police department, but it just doesn't feel right; it feels like I'm replacing his brother and I don't like the way that makes me feel on the inside. Like I'm betraying something sacred between the two of them, even if Sam wouldn't see it that way, I do. I watch the man I love pulling on his clothes, then tuck one of his F.B.I badges in the inside jacket pocket; when he feels me watching he turns and smirks in my direction, "are you checking me out Lennie?" he asks amused.

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