Chapter Sixty - Seven - It's your Fault!!

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The next two months are painful and lonely, Cassie's seventeen months old now, growing quickly; her vocabulary has grown more, she's had several more teeth come in and she needs no assistance with walking either. Dean has checked in a few times but that's about it, him, Sam and Castiel had a case together finding the staff of Moses or something to that nature; I've been going on runs pushing CJ in her stroller to help keep my strength up. I've been thinking more and more about going back to the life, but what do I do with Cassie? How could I maintain being a mother and a hunter without the other getting in the way? I know dad had had enough about Dean's drama with Sam now that it's grown more and more being together; I guess from what dad said the other day they fought a pretty big fight a while back with what Dean found out Sam did except Sam didn't even seem to care that he'd done it at all.

Cassie's munching on some cereal when the house phone rings, "dad?" she asks happily, I smile, "it's possible," she's become more vocal and her words have become more solid too which makes me happy and saddens me at the same time.


"Hey so uh Sam and I are on a case," he tells me, "we're actually not that far away from the house."

"Yeah?" I breathe does this mean he'll come home for a while?

"There's some stuff we gotta do first though."

"I'm not surprised." He laughs, "but I was thinking that uh, I'll wrap up here and y'know maybe come on out there for a while..." he begins to babble about taking security measures and I cut him off, "just shup up and come home already. I can't wait to see you, this phone thing is irritating, plus Cassie has been asking about you."


'Oh yeah," I smile, "she's got more teeth and had her first hair cut yesterday." I hear the smile in his words, "that's great, I'm sorry I missed it, but I'll be home soon."

"Call if you need me," I say.

'Alright, bye love you!"

"Love you too, Winchester."

Cassie throws cereal around the table babbling to herself, saying dad and balls a lot; I roll my eyes leave it to my old man to get her stuck on that word. I realize it's been a while since I've went into town and had a drink or two maybe I'll call one of the girls down the street and ask for a favor to watch my baby tonight; put her to bed and what not. I touch her hair, its curly now I only had the hairdresser cut the split ends because they weren't healthy for her hair and she sat like a champ with a lolli in hand while the lady did her thing.

"Cassie?" she looks up at her name, "mommy might go out tonight for a bit of fresh air; is that alright with you?" She shakes her head the hair bouncing around her face, "no mum."

"It'll be okay," I tell her, "just finish your cereal we'll go for a walk okay?"

That gets her happy once more, she loves to be outside exploring everything; sometimes I can see her as a younger version of both Dean and me. I loved the outdoors as a kid getting into everything and anything which always raised dad's blood pressure. While she's finishing her food, I clean up the kitchen, write a list for the sitter because against my daughter's protest I'm going to go out I need a break just for a little bit. My phone buzzes as I pull her from the highchair and set her down, she races off to the room for her Barbies and other toys; I check the message that Dean sent and feel my face go white.

Possible vamps in the area; stay safe – D

So a message like that should keep me at home but I can't help but be curious and want to find out for myself; sighing I dial the number scrawled on the notepad on the side of the fridge. The girl answers after a few rings, I tell her what I need and if she wouldn't mind watching Cassie for a while tonight and that there's a list of what to do for bedtime. She agrees to it, which I say I'll pay her when I get back from my outing tonight. I grab Cassie's shoes from the hallway, along with her jacket there's a slight breeze so I don't want her getting sick.

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