Chapter Twenty-Five - Pour it on Thick, Man

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"So boys," Gabriel says, "now what? We stare at each other for the rest of eternity?"

"Well first of all, you're gonna bring Cass back from wherever you stashed him," Dean tells him, "then you're gonna let Lennie out of that Holy fire."

"Oh am I," Gabriel snaps, "what you don't realize I can't get out of this fire ring or it'll kill me let alone deep fry a human." He snaps his fingers anyway and Cass appears outside the fire ring, shaken up but not hurt too bad.

"Cass, you okay?" Dean asks and Cass says, "I'm fine, hello Gabriel." Gabriel smiles, "Hey bro, how's the search for Daddy going? Let me guess...awful."

"You're forgetting about Lennie," Dean insists, "do something to help her out of there, unless you can help Cass?"

"If I try to get in anyway shape or form it may kill me or I'll just get stuck in there with them."

Sam sighs and heads towards the door pulling the fire alarm which starts a small downpour in the building, part of the flames starts to go out and Dean reaches for me, so I take his hand without thinking and he pulls me to him. As we head out towards the waiting car Dean turns in the doorway and says, "for the record this isn't some prize fight between your brothers or some destiny that can't be stopped. This is about you being too afraid to stand up to your family." The fire is almost dead now, "don't say we never did anything for you."

Dean's hand has a firm grip on mine, he hasn't said a word since we emerged from the warehouse, but I can tell something is brewing in his mind, I've almost always been able to read his expressions. He turns to Sam and says, "all that stuff he was spouting in there, you think it was the truth?"

"I think he believes it," Sam mutters.

"So what do we do?"

"I don't know."

Dean looks down at me his eyes catching mine and I can see he's not angry like I thought he was going to be, "I'll tell you one thing, right about now I wish I was back in a TV show," he smiles, "but I'd give anything to have you there with me."

We pile into the car; Cass doesn't follow, he hadn't said a word or made a move to come with us, so Dean didn't think to ask; usually he drives the Impala not letting anyone else do it but instead he tossed the keys to Sammy and sits in the back holding me close.

"Dean, I'm sorry," I tell him, "I should have just stayed with you and Sam, but I believed that Gabriel wouldn't have hurt me."

"What did he want with you?" he asks.

"To tell me my fate more or less," I sigh, "baby or no baby Michael will have his warrior."

He kisses the side of my temple, "I won't let anything happen to you," he whispers in my ear.

"But Dean the future we saw, if you don't say yes," I shudder, "that future could happen, my baby could grow up without a mom and an apocalyptic father who doesn't come back one day; I won't do that to a child."

An arm goes around my shoulder pulling me tightly against him, he doesn't say much else, I mean what else can he say? Something is going to go down and soon; no matter who says yes to the two bad brothers. I just hope for all our sakes something steers this damn thing off course I really don't want my child growing up without me, it pains me to even think about let alone having seen it. Sam doesn't say anything either probably to absorbed in his own thoughts about what's to come, Gabriel seemed like a nice enough person even if he's from Heaven he just seemed misunderstood about why he wants his brothers to fight.

"When we get back, I need to go see my doctor," I pipe up after a while, "I'm overdue for my next checkup."

"Could I...could I go with you?" Dean asks hesitantly.

I smile, "of course this is your baby too you don't have ask after all its best if someone drives me," I look to the rearview mirror where my eyes catch Sam's, "did you want to go too, Sam?"

"No that's alright," he shakes his head, "you two need a little break from all this craziness especially if you want to have a healthy pregnancy."

It's late in the afternoon when we get back to dads but I call the office anyway and they were just in the process of getting ready to leave for the day, but the receptionist said that the doctor has an opening in two days and would gladly see me. I go to tell Dean that we need to stay here for a few days for my appointment, but I find him sprawled out on the couch sleeping, soft snores escape him; dad's at his desk as usual researching for some hunter who might have called while we were out or something else that came up.

"The boy barely sat down when he passed out," Dad says to me, "you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good dad," I join him at the desk standing at his side, "my appointments in two days so maybe I can get him to stick around here before taking off again."

"He's a Winchester it's hard to get them to slow down for anything."

Smiling I shake my head in amusement, but I know my dad's right and speaking of Winchester I look around for Sam but he's nowhere to be seen.


"Hmm?" he doesn't look up.

"Where's Sam?" He gestures a hand towards the junkyard outside, "said he needed some fresh air or something like that."

Kissing the top of his head I turn away and head outside to look for Sam, he seemed kind of off on the ride home from the Trickster's idiot box but if it were me that had to go through it, I wouldn't have been the same in the end either. The afternoon air is warm and muggy but it's not uncomfortable, walking across the dusty ground I find Sam sitting outside dad's garage a beer in hand; when he sees me, he gets up and comes over surprise on his face.

"Hey," he tries to smile but it doesn't reach his eyes, "shouldn't you be resting?"

"I'm fine Sam," I look at him, "are you okay? you seem a bit off since we got back."

He shrugs and I frown.

"I don't know Lennie, what if we can't fight these bastards? What if I have no choice to save the ones I love from being killed?"

"What Gabriel said really bothered you, huh?" He nods, "look I know this is all a massive pile of crap, but I know both you and Dean will do the right thing in the end because that's what you two always do." He smiles genuinely at me now putting an arm across my shoulder, "you always know the right thing to say," he says, "my brother is lucky have you in his life, hell I am too because you make us whole."

Tears spring to my eyes as we walk back towards the house, Sam's never said anything like that to me, I mean I know he loves me like family but hearing him say that means more to me than anything else in the world; all three of us would willingly lay down our lives for one another and we all know it. If my dad wasn't in that chair he'd do the same for us too; my hand touches my belly knowing that I just can't keep putting myself at risk anymore if I'm to be around for my child's future.



"I wanted to talk to you about something," he rests his chin gently on my stomach.

His face changes suddenly and he moves to hover over me eyes on mine.

"Dean, don't you remember you're supposed to be dead."

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