Chapter 187 - Ragnarok

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While Dean goes to church, Sam contacts the Sheriff to talk about the pack and get any information that we can about them to find out if what Garth and Bess said is true. While we wait for the Sheriff to show Sam and I lean against the borrowed car when his phone rings and he puts it on speaker.

"You there?"

"Yeah, just pulled up," Dean responds, "nothing too sketchy yet."

"That's good though ain't it?" I ask and he says, "not betting on it."

Sam and I look at each other then.

"Or are we just that jaded? I mean maybe Garth's right," Sam suggests, and I hear Dean make an annoyed sound on his end, "well ain't you a glass half full. Any luck with the cops?"

"Sheriff should be rolling up any second," Sam tells him, "just be careful."

Not too long after we hang up does the Sheriff pull up into his designated parking spot; he looks from Sam to me eyes raking over my body; I know I could take him if need be but I'll try to be as civil as I can so we can get as much answers from him about the wolf pack that Garth is now a part of.

"Hello Agents," he greets as he comes closer, "my deputy said you needed to speak to me about Reverend Jim and his group, correct?"

"That's right," I smile a little, "just a little information or whatever you can provide will be best."

"I don't understand," he scratches his head, "Reverend Jim and his family are all a little new-agey and hippy-dippy like, but they're clean as a whistle and pillars of our community. Why is the FBI even interested in them?"

"We just go where we're instructed to sir," Sam says, "truth be told, I'm more interested in uh... murders and 'X Files'-y stuff. Anything of that variety around here?"

I'm a little confused as to why Sam would say something like that but then remember the cow that was mutilated and organs removed.

"No sir," the Sheriff shakes his head, "we're just a small town. Not much crime of any to speak of, I'm sorry, agents. I wish I could be more help."

"That's alright," I tell him, "just if you do think of anything or hear anything strange just give us a call."

I hand over a card with my number on it but have him jot down Sam's number as well just in case.

"Will do," he tips his hat to us then heads inside the station

Sam and I get back into our car to wait for Dean on our next move, I really don't have any weird feelings about the pack or the town in general but somehow Dean has a feeling and generally if him or Sam have that then there is something I'm missing which always bothers me because they end up usually being right.

"Mel?" Sam's voice makes me jump after a while, "hmm?" I turn my head to look at him, the sun has pretty much started to set now as we wait.

"You doing okay?"

"Yeah, Sam, why do you ask?"

"You uh have this look on your face when you're thinking," he explains, "especially if something is bothering you; you can talk to me you know." I sigh, "I know, I just don't see anything wrong here. The Sheriff is so sure the pack is fine, Garth is sure of it as well and yet Dean has this feeling that something is off."

"Why does that bother you then?"

"Cause when you or him have that feeling, you're usually right and I feel like an idiot cause I didn't see it coming."

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