Chapter Seven - It's War, kiddos!

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The room is warm as I come too, my feet and ankles are tied down to the wooden chair I'm seated in, grunting softly I yank and pull trying to get free when Rufus and Jo appear carrying a large jug of water.

"No way you're getting out of those," he says, "did you up myself, you're stuck right where I want you, you evil son of a bitch." He smacks me across the face making my neck crack then Jo splashes some of the water on me and yet nothing happens making them hesitate.

"Wait wait," I beg as Rufus grabs my neck holding me still, "Rufus, Jo please it's me!" I plead and yet Jo holds my head back while Rufus pours salt on my face and into my mouth making me choke. The older man starts to try and exorcise me but when that doesn't work, I can feel the fear and hesitation in the air, "stop!" I spit out salt while gasping for breath. When he's halfway through the exorcism he has Jo let go of me and they step back

"Look something's not right! Do you see that?" I ask my voice strained from the salt, Jo splashes me again, "come on Jo Jo it's me, please cut me loose."

Both of them move towards the opposite wall whispering to each other when I see a figure in the doorway, its Roger from the church, I recognize the glasses, spinning that damn ring around his finger smiling brightly then he's gone after we make eye contact for a brief second.

"Something's really not right here," I spit at them when they turn back to look at me, "Rufus if my dad finds out you've tortured his kid there's gonna be hell to pay!"

They both leave to figure out another plan to make me normal again, well normal in their eyes anyway. Once they're gone footsteps echoing down the stairs, Roger appears again taking up the space in the doorway.

"Who the hell are you?" He takes his glasses off tucking them into his dress shirt looking quite smug so I ask another question, "what are you?"

"You caught me," that damn smile remains on his face, "popped in to watch, I can hustle like that."

"So the real Roger, has been dead for a while now, right?"

He nods, "buried in a ditch." I sigh as he comes into the room closing the door behind him while pulling up another wooden chair to sit across from me, "but you, you knew something was off about me since you stepped foot in that church, you were just too afraid to say something or be wrong about your assumptions."

"As if you know me," I hiss.

"I know a lot, Melanie Singer," he leans forwards putting his elbows on both knees, "as far as who I am now, I'll give you a hint, well I was in Germany, then from there I went to the Middle East, I was in Darfur when my beeper went off; I'm waiting to hook up with my siblings I've got three."

"I know who you are you can stop with the dramatics asshat," I snap, "I've done research abroad I've read about you in many places," then a lightbulb goes off in my brain as if having him sitting in front of me is the last of my worries, "there aren't any demons in this town are there?"

"Nope," he pops the p with his lips, "just frightened people ripping each other's throats out. I really haven't had to do too much," he laughs, "take out a bridge here, lay in a little hallucination there, sit back, pop some corn and watch the show. Frankly, you're really vicious little animals Lennie."

"The only people who get to call me that are my family and the Winchesters," I spit in his face, "call me that again and I'll rip your throat out, with my teeth."

He wipes the spittle from his face frowning slightly, "I can see inside your head you know," he states, "you want to be strong; you hide under a thick layer of a mask that covers up your shame and guilt for leaving your daddy behind along with the love of your life. You feel bad now about all the things you've done? Wait till you're thigh deep in warm corpses because my dear I'm just getting started." He stands then putting the glasses back on his face, as if he actually needs them, "show time for the meatsuits; watch this."

He deliberately twists the ring on his finger one time and I watch with wide eyes as a gash opens on his forehead blood trickling down his skin, he then kicks his chair and tosses himself on the floor crying out in agony. I hear footsteps hurrying up the steps followed by Jo and Rufus appearing again pulling War to his feet and he hides a grin as Jo ushers him out of the room.

"She said they were coming!" he shouts as he disappears with Jo tugging his arm, "she said they're coming to get us!"

"He's lying Rufus!" I shout back.

"You shut your mouth!" he growls back handing me again, "please just stop this you're not thinking rationally."

He leaves again, I can feel blood seeping out of one of my nostrils but I can't reach up to wipe it away so it flows steadily over my lips and I do my best to wipe it on my shoulder but I feel like I'm just getting blood everywhere so I just stop. All of a sudden there's gunfire, War is getting what he wants and my family is probably dying or getting hurt because of that asshole, after a while though most of the gunfire ceases and people are running about as is several pairs of feet running up the stairs; the door pops open and Dean is there a gun in one hand.

"Lennie, you're alright," he breathes coming over to me.

"Dean, it's not demons its," we both come out with War at the same time.

"Sam and I just can't figure out how he's doing it," he admits cutting me loose.

"It's his ring," he wipes my face with a rag to clear the blood away and he agrees, "that's right he-he turned it right before he made everybody hallucinate and go hellbitch."

He grabs my hand pulling me behind him as we quickly find Sam outside the house, we're going after War, he hands me my pistol from the back of his jeans as we come back around the house towards the center of town finding War racing across the pavement towards a bright red mustang; like in the bible he rides a red noble steed. Both boys grab ahold of the man and spin him around putting his back against the vehicle rocking it on its wheels.

"Whoa okay," he stutters, "that's a sweet little knife," I see the weapon in question and remember being stabbed with it, "but come on, you can't kill War, kiddos."

"Oh we know," Dean taunts.

There's a pained yell from War as Sam cuts the man's finger off and the ring putters to the ground rolling right to my feet which I pick up holding it tightly in the palm of my hand.



"So pit stop at Mt. Doom?" he asks jokingly.

"Admiring the view," I breathe lying back on the bed, "you shouldn't be long, right?"

"Yes, you idjit," I laugh taking his face in my hands, "yes I will."

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