Chapter 178 - Blood is blood after all, right?

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Kevin's written some basic symbols down on one piece of paper and carrying others with more symbols, he follows me into the dungeon and we close the door behind us flipping on the lights; Crowley glares at the two of us as I slip another piece of paper onto the table.

"What are these?" I ask and Crowley smirks staring at the paper, "ingredients."

"More specific dipshit," I growl.

"Ingredients," he says again then adds, "for a spell."

He shoves the paper back across the desk towards me, I put my two fingers on it then shove it right back.

"Heart of a Nephilim, cupid's bow," he reads, "grace of an angel."

Kevin steps up beside me and puts more papers on the table telling Crowley to read the rest, but he leans back in the chair crossing both arms over his chest.

"Phone call," he states, "you'll get the rest when I get paid." His eyes go from me to Kevin, "now, who's gonna be a dear and open up a vein?"

Annoyed but satisfied I go in search of a medical kit and needles; Kevin comes with me to keep his distance from Crowley; once we have what we need we head back into the dungeon and deposit the items on a roll away cart from the med bay room and start to pull everything out. Having done this crap before I use the syringe and line it up with my own vein when Crowley interrupts and I turn to glare at him.


"Not yours," he says, "his." He nods towards Kevin.

"What difference does it make?" I snap.

"I've had yours," he states, "stuck in here, you can't fault me for wanting a little variety."

"No way!" Kevin shouts at him, "what's wrong short round?" Crowley taunts, "afraid of needles?"

"No, I just have a policy of not giving blood to anyone who's murdered my mother." Crowley chuckles, "I...have nothing but time."

"You're an ass," I growl and start to pack everything up, "good luck with that translation."

Out of nowhere Kevin's hands take the kit and needle from me, he jams the point of the needle into his elbow above his anti-possession tattoo then draws the vial full handing it to me which I deposit into the metal bowl sitting in front of Crowley on the table.

"Inferni sectatores, nunc aduite regem," Crowley mutters and the contents of the bowl begins to swirl and gurgle bubbles appearing on the surface and pop at different shapes and sizes, "this is Crowley, Connect me to," he pauses a moment, "Crowley!" he looks up at Kevin and myself, "bad connection," he starts talking to the bowl again, "Crowley, your king," another pause, "if you don't connect me to Abaddon right away I will be forced to..." he stops talking.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I've been placed on hold," he says.

Kevin is leaning against the wall across the room, I've begun to pace the floor in front of Crowley while he's still on hold, both the boy and I are becoming annoyed that it's taking this long for a demon to get a hold of Abaddon for Crowley to talk to.

"How long does it need to take to transfer a demonic phone call?" I snap.

"Can it, mouse," Crowley grunts back and Kevin comes to stand by me again, "you got your phone call Crowley," he says and the demon harrumphs, but I have to agree with Kevin, "it's time. We're closing this call, now."

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