Chapter Twenty-Two - You're not Dr. Sexy

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Dean's finishing up a stake when the scanner finally goes off which makes Sam jump as he had started to stare off into space, "Um, Dispatch? I...I got a possible 187 out here at the old paper mill on Route 6?" All of us have gone quiet listening intently to the scanner, "roger that," that must be the dispatcher, "what are you looking at there, son?"

"Honestly," the other voice says, "wait...I...I wouldn't even know how to describe what I'm seeing, just...send everybody."

"All right," the Dispatcher again, "just stay calm, stay by your car. Help's on the way."

Sam turns off the scanner.

"That sounds weird," I mutter, "agreed," Dean says.

"Weird enough to be our guy," Sam states.

We pile into the car, the stakes sitting between Sam and Dean; the youngest Winchester dips each one in a jar of blood where he got it from I'm not sure and I'm not about to ask especially with a child on board that could make me hurl at any moment. My leg bounces up and down on the car floor, it's been a while since I've been on the job and this will be the first time I've been in the field since the he-witch situation. I just hope that whatever this Trickster wants, he doesn't want to kill us and yet Sam's idea about working with the monster sounds better and better the closer we get to the crime scene. As Dean pulls up to the warehouse, we see no signs of any police cars or emergency vehicles which makes my stomach turn anxiously, Dean holds the back passenger door open for me and helps me out while arming me with the stake I made back at the motel.

"There was a murder here," Dean states the obvious, "and there's no police cars. There's nobody; how's that look to either of you?"

"Crappy," Sam answers and I have to agree.

Dean hands a flashlight to his brother and puts me between them as we make our way towards the warehouse type building; my gut clenches even further something isn't right here; it makes me nervous like it's radiating something, but I can't figure out what it is unless it's my magic abilities kicking in again. I watch as my future husband grabs the door handle and I reach to stop him with that fear in my gut gripping even tighter, but I stumble over loose gravel knocking us both into the door and Sam follows quickly to help us to our feet but when I blink the warehouse isn't a warehouse but what looks like a hospital hallway; nurses and doctors buzz about along with patients what the hell?

"What the hell?" Dean asks voicing my confusion.

Several people walk by Sam and Dean muttering Doctor in greeting as they pass us; I turn back around reaching for the door we came in but when I open it a man and woman are sucking face against a tall shelf of supplies and I slam the door shut again in embarrassment. A dark-haired woman approaches Sam a few emotions playing across her face but when she reaches us she doesn't say 'Doctor' like the others, instead she slaps him hard across the face.

"Ow!" Sam shouts clutching at his cheek.

"Seriously," the brunette snaps, "seriously?" she says again, "you're brilliant, you know that? And a coward; a brilliant coward."

'Um," Sam seems extremely nervous and confused, "what are you talking about?" but she just slaps him again as if offended by the question, "as if you don't know!" she exclaims then walks away in a huff.

Sam turns to us his cheek turning a deep red, I reach out a hand brushing my fingers over it but what happens next shocks the crap out of both of us; his skin red as a stop sign starts to turn its normal color. I pull away quickly staring at my fingers in shock, a hand lands on my shoulder squeezing lightly; whatever is happening to me is becoming more and more frequent as the battle between Michael and Lucifer draw near.

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