Chapter Fifty - Five - Bunkmates

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I land on top of Adam's body; he grunts in agitation and yet I can tell it's still Michael in control of the boy; however with what light I can see through, Sam and Lucifer have separated with the Devil taking shape of his previous vessel.

"Now what the hell did you have to go and do that for Melanie?" he snaps.

"Bite me," I snap back, "Sam, are you okay?"

He looks over seeing blood on my face and clothes, some of the fabric is ripped, the metal collar still in place.

"You're asking me if I'm okay? Melanie, you look like you went ten rounds with a professional boxer," I laugh which hurts my injured throat, "Sam, it's alright I know it wasn't you."

Lucifer chuckles as Sam gets closer to me, his fingers skim over the metal trying to feel any give in the object, some of the Enochian he says he understands but most of it is lost on him if we ever get out of here, we'll have to use dad's research to try and get it off. This thought brings a fresh wave of tears that cascade down my cheeks, my father is dead, gone, leaving his granddaughter behind; I hope she was in a safe place or with someone we can trust.

"Melanie," he whispers, "I'm so sorry, about Bobby."

I nod too choked up to say anything else; we stay huddled together for a long while until Lucifer announces that he's bored, Michael stays across the cage unsure of what his next move is especially since he's severely outnumbered by two hunters, one with powers, and the Devil himself. My throat starts to burn sending a wave of pain over my body, sweat pools on my forehead it feels like I'm slowly burning alive; chuckling can be heard over my grunts of discomfort.

"Getting a little too hot for you?" Lucifer snickers.

Putting a hand out I attempt to fling him across the cage, however when it doesn't do anything a very bad thought comes to mind; Lucifer is here in the cage I'm no longer a chosen warrior does that mean my powers have been revoked?

"Looks like somebody is out of 'go juice' time for old Luci to play."

He messes with mine and Sammy's mind and body for a long time until I'm a heaving and sweaty mess on the floor writhing in pain; Sam tried to intervene when it was my time for torture, but Lucifer knocked him back against the cage wall. His grunts of pain help me to get back to my feet, if he wants to play with anybody's mind, he can screw around with mine Sam doesn't deserve this kind of crap.

"Get bent," I hiss.

"Back for more are you?" He turns to me smiling. "I could just choke the life out of you, like I started to earlier if that suits your fancy." He goes to grab the collar but isn't able to get a good grip as a bright white light envelopes the cage, a high-pitched squeal emanating from the light then I realize that only one type of being makes that sound and I sigh in relief.



"Look, I don't care who you are, is Dean Winchester here?"

"The worst part is over," he whispers.

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