Chapter Sixty - Five - Campbell Trouble

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I hate this new Sam; his attitude and demeanor are completely different than before he went to the pit, but I still haven't called him out on it still unsure of what's going on; Dean texts me a while later saying he's about an hour away from our moving location. I don't dare call him because there's so much I want to say and want to ask because Sam actually frightens me a little especially being alone with him. I haven't been to the Campbell compound as Sam calls it however Dean has which he didn't really talk much about, but I'm going to assume it's nothing too great. I'm looking out the window for a while ignoring Sam when I feel something touch my upper thigh, my eyes snap to find Sam still looking out the windshield, but his right hand is laying gently on my leg. I shake my leg knocking his hand off which he leaves sit on the seat next to me.

"Keep your hands off me," I hiss, "I'm married to your brother for Christ's sake."

"I'm not going to say sorry," he murmurs, "because I'm not; I've always found you attractive Melanie, but I was always too nervous to say anything and when Dean stole your heart, I guess I'm still a bit jealous."

We're just pulling into the compound and rolling to a stop when I violently exit the car; slamming the door in my wake because of his words. The baby I take from his seat and hold him tightly against my chest ignoring his cries of protest from being woken up from his nap; I keep a few feet between Sam and myself as we enter a large warehouse type building, the hunters inside turn to look at us some of them even glare especially the chick from the Djiinn disaster. She approaches and smiles at Sam then eyes the baby, "well aren't you just the best disguise a monster ever wore?" I glare at her and she backs off, "I'm kidding, Melanie, relax."

Sam takes off towards an office like room where his grandfather is, I go to follow but a young man stops me glaring.

"Are we going to have a problem?" I growl but he doesn't say anything, "no? alright, just keep thinking those angry thoughts at me."

Both Sam and Samuel appear then from the hallway.

"what's our next move?" I ask.

"I got a couple ideas," Samuel answers, "let me see the little guy."

I glare holding the baby tight against my chest.

"I got him."

"What do you think I'm gonna do?" I raise an eyebrow, "I really don't think you want me to answer that question.

"Funny," one of the guys grunts, "you're supposed to be family, married into it and all."

"Hey," Sam whirls, "let's not get worked up." The man, I remember him now Christian, backs off and then Sam turns back to me, "here Melanie, it's fine. Let me take him it's okay," he puts his arms out to me and I hesitate for a second but reluctantly hand the little guy over.

I watch him awkwardly hold the shifter baby and hand him off to Samuel, "hey there," he grins at the boy, "you're a big fella, aren't ya? I haven't held one of these in a long time," He looks from me then to Sam, "your mom was the tiniest; she was as bald as a cue ball."

"What are you gonna do with him?" I ask.

"Raise him," his response is simple which I respond with, "raise him? But..." he cuts me off, "it's dangerous out there for him, Melanie."

"What about in here? You can't tell me you're not gonna poke and prod at the kid."

"Somehow I'm not surprised that your mind goes straight to torture," he murmurs, "don't assume everyone is like that."

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