Chapter Forty - And the Devil Shall appear

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I'm waiting in the lobby, the desk clerk dead behind me, his blood spattered across the wall behind the desk a bloodied machete lying next to him; he needed to die to keep the others from realizing what's happening before I can set this plan into motion. Just then the lights begin to flicker spastically when he appears beyond the main doors and his powers whip them open showering the floor with rain, I take a deep breath hoping I'm making the right choice here.

"You did right by calling me," he purrs crossing the lobby, "what made you see things my way?"

"I'm tired of running, Lucifer," I say, "I may be many things, but I know when enough is enough, especially when my child's life could be in danger."

He reaches forward touching my cheek with the back of one hand; I try not to squirm at his touch, "you know I wouldn't harm her, as long as you do as I ask." His eyes see the blood spattered across the back wall along with the lifeless body, "well well so you do have it in you; the kill feels good doesn't it?"

"I don't kill because it feels good or because I like it," I snap.

"Oh please Melanie," he responds, "you and Dean are cut from the same cloth; killing is in your nature."

He takes me by the arm pulling me along to the ballroom; the door is shut but the wind from his arrival rattles it wildly; a man with a large beard and Viking clothing appears in front of us wielding some kind of weapon but Lucifer plunges his hand deep within the man's chest pulling his heart out. Blood flies here and there coating the walls and our clothing with a fine mist, somehow, I'm able to keep the contents in my stomach from rising. He kills God after God then stands before the door pushing me just out of view as he pushes them open when Baldur says, "we can't."

"Of course you can't," Lucifer's voice is happy, "you didn't say 'mother may I?' Sam, Dean good to see you again." I hear cries and voices along with the sound of tearing flesh. "A little birdie told me you guys would be here," he reaches back pulling me into view of the room; Dean and Sam's eyes grow wide, "I can't get you to say yes now, can I Sam?"

Both Lucifer and I go sprawling across the floor and I do my best to protect my bulging belly.

"Lucy I'm home," Gabe announces, "guys get them out of here."

The only other people in the room are Sam, Dean, Kali and myself; but when I go to leave, I'm stopped in place.

"Over a girl, really Gabriel?" Lucifer taunts, "I mean I knew you were slumming, but I hope you didn't catch anything." He then approaches me laying a hand on my stiff shoulder, "but for now it's goodbye so let me leave you with a little gift of my own."

A white-hot pain rips from my back to my front knocking me to my knees; something then dribbles down the inside of my legs then I realize with horror what he's done.

"Be seeing you soon," he whispers.

I can barely move the pain is almost too much to bear but Dean rushes forward sweeping me up into his arms while Sam pulls Kali behind him to leave the room; we race out the lobby and get into the car even if Kali insists that she isn't going to get in. On the drive I try to hold back my cries of pain while clutching my belly, the baby is coming he made her come sooner than expected like I heard of when we went to the future; I don't want her to come yet because I now realize that when I see her my love for the little doll is going to break my magical barrier and I'll be the hot spot for Lucifer to take.

Kali disappears as we make our way to the nearest hospital, Sam calls Bobby to tell him where we are and the bare minimum of what happened to us. We pull up at the Emergency Room entrance, Sam runs inside yelling for help and a wheelchair; Dean helps me out of the backseat I'm barely able to stand up straight slightly hunched over holding myself as contractions continually roll over me. About three or four nurses rush out one pushing a wheelchair, Dean's gently pulled away from me, but he and Sammy continue after as they push me to the elevator towards the OB department of the hospital my cries of pain echoing up and down the hallway.

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