Chapter Sixty - Guess who's Back...Back Again

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Against my better judgement for leaving Dean alone like he is I take Cassie to the movie he suggested; she barely watched it though babbled during most of it trying to eat my popcorn which I wouldn't let her have because I was afraid she'd choke on a kernel or something. The movie was almost over when she fell asleep in my arms while I decided to just finish it since I paid for it and bought popcorn which was difficult with a child in my lap, but I managed. A nice man helped me carry the container and drink to the trash as I was having trouble juggling a baby in my arms and the other things; he smiled bidding me a good night and I did the same for him.

She slowly starts to wake when we're halfway home, but something seems off as soon as I pull into the driveway; Cassie insists on getting out but I sit in the car for a minute before deciding to get out there's a random car parked down the street that I've never seen before, so I rush to get us inside. As soon as I'm inside though someone pulls me tightly against their chest and I struggle a bit before realizing that the hugger is my husband, he pulls back to look over me and Cassie before uttering a word.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Took her to the movies,' I snap, "you knew that you're the one who suggested it."

He hugs us again making Cassie cry out at the too tight contact with her father.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I'm taking us to your dad's house," he explains, "go upstairs and pack a bag I'll be there in a sec."

Before I can move a figure appears from the kitchen, he's as tall and lanky as I remember but he's got this look about him now.

"Bam!" Cassie shouts her eye seeing him too, "Bammy!"

Dean and I look at each other then at our daughter, she's never said Sam's name like that before, and I've only said it a few times when talking about him to her.

"Is that really her?" Sam asks.

She wiggles and squirms at Sam's voice wanting to go over even though she's only seen pictures of him; I hesitate before putting her down, but Dean assures me that it's okay. I watch her little body move past her father pausing a minute using his pants as a hand hold then she totters over to Sam still in the doorway; he hasn't seen her since she was close to two months old and now, she's walking and practically saying his name. He hesitates for a second as she reaches him patting his right leg, she starts to get agitated when he doesn't pick her up right away, so she beats on his leg again right at the knee which makes him wince in surprise at the power behind her fist.

"She sure is your kid," he says to Dean.

After she pouts for another minute Sam eventually bends down picking her up his arm under her little butt; her eyes widen at the view from where she sits, her uncle is one of the tallest people I know. While Cassie is entertained with Sam and his long hair Dean takes me upstairs to pack and get the diaper bag ready; we don't talk or utter one syllable while we do this I'm too in shock seeing Sam here and free of the cage. I don't pack much in my bag however I tuck my anxiety pills in the side pocket unsure of what's to come next and meet Dean out in the hallway who's got the diaper bag over one shoulder.

"What happened?" I ask in a whisper.

"Djinn," he answers, "slipped me a mickey, that's why I thought I was seeing things and was getting so paranoid. I don't know how it got the jump on me, but it did."

"How are you walking and talking then?" He sighs, "I'll explain on the way, let's just get Cassie out of here until we can get rid of these things."

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