Chapter Twelve - Back to the Future

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The light coming through the hotel window is blinding and I roll over to bury my face in Dean's chest when I notice the mattress under us is no longer as comfortable as what it was when we went to sleep. Shifting just my eyes to not wake Dean I look down to find that the actual mattress is completely gone leaving a bed of springs behind; with fear in my gut I leap from the bed pulling the torn curtains aside and stare out at the demolished city laid out before me.

"Dean," I mutter then loudly, "Dean get up!"

He sits up quickly registering the fear in my voice, his eyes wander all over the room taking in the damaged furniture then joins me at the window looking out over the city.

"What the hell happened?" he asks in a hushed tone. But when I don't answer he turns away from the destructive view grabbing his jacket from one of the busted chairs where he placed it last night, I however pull my shoes on not caring that I'm just in sweats and follow the oldest Winchester out into the dank open air of the city. He keeps me close to his back as we walk down the barren streets, there's no one not even homeless people, what the hell did this? I watch our backs as we move along eyeing the crumbling and graffitied buildings, when Dean stops, I don't notice it till I bump right into his back I go to say something but he puts a finger to my lips silencing my protest pointing with his other hand to a small figure crouched on the ground several feet in front of us.

"Little girl?" Dean asks, "are you hurt?"

She doesn't respond just continues playing with whatever piece of rubble she's got in her hands, something dark drips from her chin.

"The non-talking thing is kind of creepy, right?" I whisper to him, he nods then all of a sudden the girl starts to shriek making us cover our ears, she swings a piece of glass in our direction aiming for any place she can reach and Dean takes her down but not before seeing the word "CROATOAN" spray painted on the building farther back the alley.

"Oh, crap," Dean mutters.

"Croatoan? Is that what I think it means?" I ask and he nods, "Dean we gotta get out of here," people start coming out of the rubble and around the corner from us eyes wide and dark with insanity.

"Lennie," he whispers, "Lennie run and don't stop, got it?"

Just from the tone of his voice I can tell that he thinks these people are infected with whatever was wrong with the little girl who tried to attack us, I tap his shoulder twice to let him know I understand and take off at a sprint; I hear him follow almost over taking me along with the people yowling and screaming behind us. My lungs burn with each step after I've gone a few blocks with Dean hot on my heels at one point I trip over my own two feet but even while running he helps get me stay upright and we race on with the horde on our back; just as I'm about to come to a halt to make a stand a chain link fence can be seen close to a ditch.

We're trapped for sure unless we can make it over or under the damn thing before those things get us, however it's like our prayers are answered, a tank appears with several men sitting astride the vehicle and start shooting at the infected. Dean grabs my hand and we roll down the small ditch to the base of the fence, our limbs getting tangle in one another and lay there once we roll to a stop against the fence while the horde is wiped out and the tank resumes its course down the beaten path next to the fence, there's a small slit in the wire and we pull it apart allowing us to escape however I force him to help me pull it as closed as we can because whatever is in that city needs to stay there. There's a large metal sign on the gate that reads 'CROATOAN VIRUS – HOT ZONE NO ENTRY – BY ORDER OF ACTING REGIONAL COMMAND – AUGUST 1, 2014, KANSAS CITY'

"August first," Dean mutters, "2014."

"What kind of trippy shit is this," I hiss at him.

"I have no idea, somehow we got catapulted into the future," he grabs my arm pulling me along; "we've got to keep moving find Bobby he'll know what's going on."

"Dad usually does," I mutter.

Along the barren streets we happen to find a fully fueled car, Dean works his magic over the wires and we're on our way out to dad's place, hopefully he didn't get caught up in this Croatoan mess and can help get us back to our own time. While he drives, he takes a hold of my hand holding it tightly to make sure that I'm actually still here and not part of this hellish nightmare, with my other hand I check my phone and come to realize there's no service.

"Cell towers seem to be out," I tell him and reach for the radio which has nothing but static, "that's never a good sign," he states.

"Croatoan pandemic reaches Australia," a snarky voice cuts in from the backseat making us both jump, I look over my shoulder and see a balding man in a greyish black suit seated in the backseat.

"I thought I smelt your stink on this Back to the Future crap," Dean snarls.

"You know him?" I ask.

"You haven't told her, have you?" he asks with a smile, "told me what?" I ask.

"He's the douche Angel trying to get me to say yes to Michael," Dean explains, "why he's involving you in this crap is a mystery to me."

"She's an important part," the Angel clarifies, "well she will be anyway."

He reads more crap from the future newspaper as my stomach sinks farther and farther to my feet; somehow I'm going to be involved in the death match with Lucifer and Michael? How am I any kind of special?

"How did you find me?" Dean snaps.

"Afraid we had to tap some unorthodox resources of late...human informants," he sighs, "we've been making inspirational visits to the fringier Christian groups. They've been given your image, told to keep an eye out."

"The bible freak outside the motel...he, what, dropped a dime on me?"

"Yes, yes, onward Christian soldiers, how do you think Melanie ended up in your hotel?"

"It was you," I hiss, "you interfered when I tried to pray to Castiel, you bastard. Send us back to our own time!" He chuckles, "oh, you'll get back...all in good time. We want you both to marinate a bit." Dean and I look at each other for a moment, "Marinate?" Dean asks disgusted.

"Three days, Dean, Melanie," he states, "three days to see where this course of action takes you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that your choices have consequences. This is what happens to the world if you continue to say no to Michael. Have a little look see," then he's gone from the backseat leaving the discarded newspaper in his wake.

"Remind me to stab him in the face next time I see him," I snap, "what do I have to do with the so-called great plan it's not like I'm meant to be some meatsuit bitch, no offense."

"No, no none taken," he whispers taking my hand again, "let's get to your dad's and we'll get this sorted out, okay?"

I nod, I mean how bad could it have really gotten?



"You know this isn't real, right?" Dean says tome.

He turns away from me and I feel my chest achefor some reason which disturbs me.

"I told you," Zach says from behind me, "I said that you were important."

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