Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Six - I'll back your play

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The next time I open my eyes I'm in a slightly comfy hospital bed, my chest is wound tight and pulsing with pain, whimpering a little I try to adjust myself when a voice from my right startles me.

"Look who's awake," Dean murmurs.

My eyes turn to him and I feel the pull of oxygen tubes under my nose making me grimace.

"D-D-Dean?" I ask and my voice sounds like it hasn't been used in years, "what...what happened?"

As my eyes focus on his face, I realize that he's no longer beat up, Castiel must have healed him.

"Practically all your ribs were busted, Lennie," he explains, "most of them had punctured your lungs some were deep, others were just poking at them."

"But I...I saw," I feel tears, "I'm sorry."

'It wasn't you," he touches my cheek with a finger, "I know it wasn't."

He realized that I was trying to get unslouched and puts his arms under mine and without putting pressure on my ribs with his hands he slides me up the bed just as the doctor comes in and nods at Dean's technique.

"Good morning, Mrs. Winchester," she says reading over my chart, "it's nice to see you awake."

"How long," I cough a little which makes me wince, "how long was I out?"

"A little over three days," she says, "which is normal all things considered, we weren't sure you were going to pull through but here you are."

"A damn miracle," I mutter softly and she chuckles, "well we can call it that, but you will be sore for a long while. We have your chest bound with ace wraps, and the brace you'll have to wear for quite a bit because we had to reset most of your ribs."

"A brace?" my brain hadn't registered that yet and I look down and gasp a loud which somehow hurts, "balls."

"You'll probably need physical therapy at some point," she goes on to say, "once that brace comes off, we don't want your ribs stiffening too much."

"Understood, thank you doctor."

"Not a problem," she comes over, "how's the pain?"

"Uh, about a six right now," she nods, "that's normal since the last dose of pain killers is probably wearing off now. We'll get you more after we get you something to eat and I poke around a bit to check you over, you're not going to like me."

"I'll try not to hit you, if I do it's a knee jerk reaction so I apologize in advance."

This makes her and Dean chuckle as she washes her hands before coming over to check my ribs like she said she would, her hands are cold as she slides the hospital gown out of the way along with undoing and removing the brace; her fingers encounter the first rib and I hiss in pain.

"I wish there was an easier way to check besides x-ray," she murmurs, "but I'll be done soon, promise."

I continue to hiss and curse under my breath as she does her thing murmuring to herself; I haven't asked Dean about Sam yet until the moose himself walks into the room just as the doc is finishing her check.

"Everything seems to be in order," she states, "I can probably send you home later this afternoon if you'd like or we could keep you one more night to keep the pain under control."

"I'd like to go home, please," I say, "unless you insist I stay for one more night."

"If you feel okay enough to travel then it's fine by me," she smiles, "I'll get your discharge papers ready then."

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