Chapter Seventeen - Unexpected Miracles

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Dean and Sam take off after they dropped me at Dad's, several missing people and what not were calling their names I told Dean to go on ahead they have a lot to catch up on anyway. I'm currently rummaging in the kitchen for something to make for dinner but most of the cupboards are bare or the food is beyond their expiration date, sighing loudly I go to dad's study desk for paper and a pen for a grocery list.

"Mel?" he shouts, "where'd you go girl?"

"In here!" I shout back starting on the list.

His chair can be heard before he appears around the corner and I look up mid word to smile at him, he doesn't look happy but at the same time he's always had that look about it.

"What are you up to?"

"Just making a grocery list," I tell him, "need anything special?" He shakes his head, "something seems different about you, you feeling alright?"

"Never better," I say.

He huffs not seeming satisfied with my answer but rolls away to answer one of the hunter phones mounted on the wall in the kitchen, I finish the list leaving one thing off but knowing I won't forget it because it's been on my mind since I woke up this morning. I tuck the folded in half list into my pocket and go to dad for his card or cash or whatever he has handy before heading into town; I'd use one of my fake ones, but I know the people in this town and Jody will give me hell if she catches me using a fake card. He's still on the phone when I make the money gesture with my fingers, he hands me his wallet which I tuck into the backside of my jeans grabbing the truck keys on my way out.

Driving through town I can let the stress of being a hunter melt away, at least until I get back to the house where dad's always looking up lore or on the phone with a hunter in need. On the way to the store I send Dean a short message about missing him, he doesn't respond right away which is fine, he's probably busy being an F.B.I agent or meeting with victims of whatever they're chasing down. I haven't heard from Castiel since he saved us from Zachariah but I'm assuming he's got his own baggage to deal with especially since he's turned his back on Heaven in favor of us. I park the truck in an empty spot near the back of the lot and notice the Sheriff's car is parked near the front; Jody must be going home or getting ready to go to work.

Humming to myself I head inside while pulling the list out of my pocket, I grab a cart and proceed down the necessary aisles marking everything off as I go however when it comes to the thing I need but didn't write down I just stare at the wall of them scared and can feel heat rising to my cheeks.

"Melanie Singer," a voice calls out, "is that you?"

I turn and find Jody approaching, a small shopping basket in the crook of her elbow.

"Hello Sheriff," I smile at her.

"I'm off the clock girl," she chides in a friendly tone, "you can call me Jody."

"Sorry," I mumble, her eyes wander to what I was looking at, "everything okay?"

I look at the floor then back up at Jody unable to form the words through stiff lips, she steps forward resting a hand on my shoulder squeezing it lightly.

"Jody...I...I think," I stutter over my words, "I think I might be pregnant."

"That's wonderful," she looks at me, "unless it wasn't something you planned, I'm not going to judge you; who's the father?"

"Uh, he was a close friend a long time ago but," I wiggle my left hand at her the ring catching the light, she squeals in delight seeing the ring pulling me into a tight hug the basket bouncing off our hips, "I'm so happy for you, I better be invited to the wedding when it happens!" I smile at her, but it doesn't quite reach my eyes, "but as to your other problem I'd just get the test and be done with it the sooner you find out the sooner you can get the care you need, you don't want to hurt the little if you are indeed pregnant."

"Of course Jody, I don't know when the wedding will be, but I'll let you know," she touches my cheek with one hand, "do what you need to do kiddo, I'll see you later if you need to talk just call okay?"

I nod and she heads towards the register a little hop in her step. Jody knew dad long before I was even born, he was a heavy drinker after mom died and I'd keep tabs on him through her when I went out of the state or out of the country; her and Ellen helped keep me grounded when I was back and I love them both like they gave birth to me. Grabbing a random digital test I toss it into the front part of the cart and hurry along to check out, I'm hoping dad doesn't care to see the receipt I mean as long as I tell him how much was spent it won't matter what the receipt says. My leg shakes as the cashier scans all my items including the test, but she doesn't say anything about it just smiles in a friendly way and bags it twice so no one will see it on the way out to the truck.

My knee bounces up and down as I drive back to the house the weight of that test present on my shoulders however when I pull into the space where the truck usually sits, I tuck the box on the inside of my jacket and carry everything else in, dad's no longer on the phone but seated at his study desk in his wheelchair; I wave at him as I bring the first few bags in then head out for the rest. Once I'm inside for the last time, he's wheeled himself to the kitchen putting away the things he can and laying out others on the table that need me to put away.

"I saw Jody," I tell him.

"Yeah?" he bumps into me with his chair, "sorry kid."

I shrug it off and we continue putting things away in silence, something seems to be weighing on his mind but I don't dare ask in case he mentions about how I look different again. Once that's done, I head upstairs to the bathroom next to my room and hear my phone ding with a message; Dean finally responded to my earlier message; telling me about the monster him and Sam took care of something called a Leshii a sort of Pagan God. Another message pops up from Sam saying how Dean got wailed on by Paris Hilton who the monster took the shape of and I can't help but laugh a little as I close the bathroom door behind me.

I lock the door even though I know dad can't get up the stairs but I do it for myself to feel better at least for now, the box I lay out on the counter and just stare at it like it's gonna bite me, but what Jody said comes to mind if I am I need to know now so I don't mess up the baby's health and if I'm not then I worried for nothing. The future that I was shown still bothers me because I'm about that time where the pregnancy could happen; the phone downstairs rings a few times then I hear dad's gruff undertone.

"Quit being a baby," I whisper and open the box pulling out one test stick, I picked the digital one just to be sure because I've heard that the lined ones may not be right all the time. Sighing I pull my pants down and use the test per the instructions, however I lay it face down on the sink so I don't stare at it the whole time. I sit on the closed toilet seat and wait while bouncing my leg impatiently the movement rattles a few things on the sink and I stop not wanting my dad to think there's something wrong even if there was he couldn't get up here to me anyway. After the allotted time has passed, I pick up the overturned test and hold it out not flipping it over quite yet, I take a deep steadying breath and flip it reading the word 'PREGNANT' and I feel the room around me start to swirl and tilt from surprise and yet somehow, I knew I was before I even took the test.

Tucking the test in my coat pocket and hiding the other unused test amongst my feminine products I go to the top of the stairs and announce in my best tired voice, "Dad, I'm gonna go lay down for a bit holler if you need me," he grunts back in response but doesn't say much more. Once in my room I curl on my side facing the wall, I text Jody with the results and she messages me back almost instantly asking if I need someone to go with me to an appointment to confirm the test results and I tell her yes because I don't want dad to know quite yet, he might wring Dean's neck. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling and whisper, "what am I going to do now?"



"Have you decide how to tell Dean?" she asks and I shake my head, "all I know is I want it to be special."

"I had an inkling," I admit, "but I had to be sure."

"Lennie," he says, "it's not necessary, your dad's here we've got it covered."

I laugh at him as we get ready to leave the room; the picture weighing heavily in my coat pocket.

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