Chapter Five - Omens, Demons and Ellen, Oh My!

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The drive to River Pass goes quickly and quietly, Dean was kind of put off by the fact that I let Sam sit up front instead of sitting next to him, I know Sam needs more room because of his long legs and he'd be really uncomfortable in the back even if he stretched out on the seat. However I could feel Dean's eyes on me on and off through the rearview mirror, probably checking to see if I'm still there or if I'd disappear in the wind. I hum to myself as we trudge along the highway; the sun is high in the sky making the leather stick to the exposed skin on my arms, "are you humming Metallica?" Sam asks breaking my concentration.

"And if I am?" I ask.

"Was just a question," he mutters

I see Dean's smile from the side of his face and blush at the thought of him thinking about me, I wonder if he's thought about me the whole time we were separated or if seeing me just brought back the memories that we made in this car which then makes me blush even more. We come to a slow stop about another mile or so and I lean over the front seat seeing the bridge before us collapsed into the small river below, this can't be a good sign. The guys get out and I follow closely but also keeping an ear out for any type of ambush if there is one.

"This is the only road in or out," Dean tells us.

Sam and I pull out our phones then try moving about to get signal, "no signal either." I announce, "this has got demons written all over it. Here's to hoping Rufus is okay."

"Looks like we're hiking," Sam says.

"And the hits keep on coming," Dean grumbles.

He opens the trunk and we load up tossing duffel bags over our shoulders while keeping a firm hold on our guns, the boys both have sawed off shotguns and I have a small pistol a mix of salt rounds and regular bullets just to be safe. They walk ahead of me while I bring up the rear watching over my shoulder from time to time and checking out the wooded areas on either side of the road for anything unusual; the road is empty the whole time we walk when Sam decides to break the silence; probably to pass the time walking which is a drag.

"So Lennie, where did you go?" he asks curious.

"Around," I answer vaguely, "I went abroad for a few years, learned a few languages and read up on any and all lore I could find so when I came back I'd be a better equipped hunter."

"Has it helped?"

"I guess so."

We walk in silence again just seeing a few houses on the horizon that's creeping up on us; Dean slows down then to walk beside me taking my hand in his like before, the feeling is homey and seems to be natural for both of us.

"I still want to apologize," he says in a half whisper, "you left and didn't say why, I thought it was because of something that I did and maybe I was right."

"Dean, it wasn't you that's the honest to God truth about it," I shake my head, "if I told you why I really left, why I couldn't continue seeing you then you'd probably not speak to me for a while."

From the corner of my eye I see him chewing on that information, if I looked close enough I could probably see the gears in his head turning trying to understand what I meant by that but just then Sam hollers out pointing towards a half overturned vehicle music blaring from it; we slow down as he checks it out gun at the ready. There's an empty car seat in the back, the front windshield is smashed on the driver's side but there's no sign of anyone dead or alive around; we continue on finding more empty cars some of them still running or have all the doors hanging wide open as if someone made a hasty retreat from whatever they were running from.

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