Chapter Three - Lost Love Reunited

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It's too damn bright wherever I am, it sure isn't Heaven because I feel like crap, my eyes try to open once but the light hurt too much so I grunt in surprise keeping them closed; someone turns them on low allowing me to see even if my vision is a bit blurry.

"Lennie? Sweetheart are you awake?" a hand touches my forehead and I tilt my head to try and see clearly, the person next to me is still blurry and yet I can tell by the shape of who it is.

"Dean?" I ask my throat dry.

"Hey," I can just make out his smile as my vision starts to clear, "how're you feeling?"

'Like I got hit by a bus," I answer which makes him chuckle, "how's my dad?"

"He's a little grumpy but he's better."

"Why do I feel like there's a but in there," I raise an eyebrow which makes him sigh, "he's uh in a wheelchair, they don't know when or if he'll be able to walk again."

"Shut up you yahoo," my father grunts appearing behind Dean, "let me see my daughter."

He half smiles at me, scared that I'll be angry with him for what happened.

"She's awake!" Sam exclaims from the doorway joining the two at my bedside, "I wondered where you went Bobby, no surprise that you're here."

"Of course I'm here you idjit," he scowls, "Mel, I'm so sorry; I was doing everything I could to fight it off. But when he stuck that damn blade into you, I was finally able to push his influence off.... if I could've..." my hand flashes out covering his mouth.

"Dad, it wasn't you I know that," he rolls his eyes but I don't move my hand away, "I'm alive and kicking still that's what matters." Then I remove my hand looking to the guys, "so what do we do now?"

"Well," my dad starts, "we save as many as we can for as long as we can, I guess. It's bad. Whoever wins, Heaven or Hell, we're boned."

"What if we win?" Dean asks; all three of us look at him, "I'm serious, I mean screw the Angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse. Hell, they want to fight a war; they can find their own planet. This one's ours, and I say they get the hell off it. We take'em all on. We kill the devil. Hell, we even kill Michael if we have to. But we do it our own damn selves."

"And how are we supposed to do all this, genius?" Dad asks.

"I got no idea," Dean responds making me laugh and I groan from my injury, "but what I do have is a GED and a give-em-hell attitude and I'll figure it out."

"You are nine kinds of crazy," I tell him.

"It's been said," he smiles at me.

"Sam help me back to my room," Dad grunts, "you and I need to have a chat about before."

Once those two are gone the room is silent for a while, Dean stands at the side of my bed not really looking at me.

"Dean I," I start at the same time he says, "Lennie I."

We try to say something again but end up talking at the same time once more, I gesture with my hand for him to start so we don't keep doing the copying thing.

"Melanie," he uses my real name instead of the nickname they gave me long ago, "I...I know we've had our differences; I know you had a lot going on a while back but seeing you show up at our motel door was the greatest thing that could've happened since this whole damn apocalypse started and I'm sorry you got hurt because of us."

"It's my own fault," I tell him, "I called dad because the demon I had hostage told me about Lucifer being set free, if this was going to be the end of times I didn't want to be stuck in it alone. So please don't blame yourself for dragging into this mess when I willingly tagged along for the ride." He smiles, "besides getting to see Sam and you isn't really that bad, I want to be a part of this as long as you'll have me; that is if our past is good enough to keep going?"

His eyes widen at my words reading the meaning behind them, he leans down towards me and softly presses his lips against mine, I don't push him away because I asked for it so instead, I touch his cheek with my hand that's not hooked up to an I.V. The start of our relationship in the past was complicated because I didn't stick around for long each time I'd been home, but him and I cherished those little moments when we could get them until John discovered our secret and threatened Bobby to keep me away from his son; he'd said that someone like his son has no room for a woman like me in his life. His threat was much worse than that, but you can imagine what he said I think.

"Dean I think," Sam's voice rings out then cuts off, "oh God I'm so sorry."

"Really Sammy," Dean mutters pulling away. I feel a blush creep up my face as he turns his back to me to look at his brother, "you get Bobby settled back in?" he asks.

"Yeah, for now," he nods, "Dean I think maybe we should go after the Colt."

"Why what difference would that make?" My eyes bug out, "wait a minute, you guys don't mean the colt as in Samuel Colt's colt?" Dean nods as Sam says, "well, we could use it on Lucifer, I mean you just said back there."

"I just said a bunch of crap for Bobby's benefit," he states, "I mean I'll fight, I'll fight till the last man, but let's at least be honest we don't stand a snowball's chance, and you know that. I mean, hell you of all people know that." He turns back to me brushing a hand over my cheek, "let's get you out of here, huh?"

"If you think I'm capable enough to be of some use," I smile, "I did get stabbed in case you forgot."

He shakes his head as he and his brother head out, "Is there something you want to say to me?" Sam asks as they step out of the door; I don't hear the rest of the conversation but somehow I have a feeling that it won't be a good one.



"Went to radiology," he tells us, "got some glamour shots, let's just say the doctors are baffled."

"At least he's talking now," Dean mutters.

"River Pass, Colorado."

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