Chapter Eighty - Nine - Back in the Saddle

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The next morning we're awoken by Dean's phone going off, he's snuggled up against me my back against his front; he kisses my neck ignoring the call letting it go to voicemail however I say it could be Sam and he groans pulling himself out of the warm pull-out bed and away from me. He tugs on his boxers and jeans just in case Cassie gets up, then grabs his phone playing the voicemail aloud for the both of us to hear because I was right the missed call was Sam.

"Hey," he begins in an urgent tone, "it's not over. Burning the remains didn't stop her; she's got to be hooked to something else. I'm gonna head to the sister's now."

I crawl out of bed then too grabbing my robe from the bathroom cinching the belt just as Cassie comes out rubbing sleep from her eyes, the necklace Cass gave her shining brightly through her pajama shirt. Once her vision clears, she sees Dean and rushes him a little clumsily but he scoops her up holding her tightly, "Daddy!" she smiles wide, "you here!"

"I missed you bug," he kisses her cheek, "I'm sorry daddy missed your birthday," she frowns, "I'll make it up to you I promise," his eyes finally see the necklace shining brightly, "what is that?" he pulls it out to look at when she slaps his hand away and he jerks it back in surprise.

"Cassie!" I scold, "we do not hit daddy, that's mean!"

"But...but it's special," she whines, "Uncle Cass said so."

I cringe at her calling him uncle now because of what he said to me yesterday, she's to be his soul mate someday; God is Dean going to have a field day with that. His eyes find mine pinning me with questions and I groan what the hell am I going to say that won't make him want to kill his friend?

"Cassie," I say, "why don't you get dressed for me? Daddy and I need to talk."

At this she and I turn grabbing clothes from the small dresser near the pull out and she goes to my room closing the door tightly; scratching my head with one hand I turn to Dean who's got his arms crossed.

"So uh Cass dropped by yesterday afternoon," I tell him, "had a belated birthday gift for Cassie."

"That glowing thing was his gift?" I nod, "it's not just jewelry Dean, it's part of his grace you know the thing that makes Angels what they are?" His eyes widen, "why the hell would he do that when he's already in such a weak state?"

"Dean there's no easy way to say this, but...but Cass told me that Cassie is his soulmate."

He stares wide eyed like I flashed him my breasts, I think he's waiting for me to start laughing as if it's a bad joke but when my face doesn't change or I don't try and lighten the mood several different things play across his face. First comes confusion, then anger, then a mix of anger and disgust like he wants to beat the living daylights out of someone. I watch as he starts to pace the small room wringing his hands together, the muscles in his arms bulge as he does this distracting me for a minute.

"Dean?" I take a step towards him, but he puts a hand up, "I understand this is a lot to handle believe me but what if this is for the best?" His head snaps to look me in the eye, "what do you mean for the best? She's only two!"

"I know that, Cass knows that but from what he says his body nor his celestial being doesn't age so it'll be like.... like...," I think hard on how to say it, but nothing seems the right thing to say.

"She calls him Uncle Cass!" Dean splutters drawing me back to the present.

"I get it, it's not something I want to think about either, but it is what it is she has the power of choice though if she chooses him or not. He'll still be there for her regardless."

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