Chapter Ninety - We're not in Kansas anymore

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We spend quite a while at dad's place, going out on small random hunts here and there in groups of two or three which gets me back into the field and moving; Dean and I have become closer again which makes me happy, Sam and Cassie have done the same thing he enjoys the little girl's attention it helps with his random headaches that he gets which Dean tells me is from memories slipping through the wall that Death put up. Dean and Sam are in the study while I get Cassie's coat on along with tying her shoes; dad's going into town so I'm sending her with him I just have this feeling in my gut that she needs to go instead of staying here with us even if it's pouring down rain. She kisses me on the cheek before taking dad's hand and heading out the door with an umbrella over the both of them; I wait until the sound of his car roars to life and head down the road before heading into the study with Sam and Dean.

"Where'd your dad go?" Sam asks.

"Into town for a supply run; God love him," I say, "I sent Cassie along; I just had this weird feeling she needed to go."

There's the sound of wings and we turn to see a taller blonde-haired man in the doorway to the kitchen, "Hello boys," he sees me, "m'lady."

"Who the hell are you?" I snap.

"You've seen the 'Godfather' right?" he asks ignoring my question and Dean says, "Balthazar..."

He must be another Angel the boys know but Dean doesn't seem so happy that he's here; he's going around digging through dad's cupboards and drawers now.

"You know," he continues as if Dean didn't say anything, "the end, where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop?" His hands pull out a container of salt pouring it into a bowl now on dad's desk.

"Hey!" Dean snaps.

"'Dead sea brine,'" the angel says, "good, good, good. You know, Moe Greene gets it in the eye, and Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door?" his talking irritates me.

"He said hey!" I snap at him drawing his eyes to me, "good for you," he says, "blood of lamb, blood of lamb," I watch him go into the fridge rooting through it, "beer, cold pizza, yes blood of lamb!" He comes back into the room and Sam asks, "why are you talking about the 'Godfather?'"

"Because we're in it right now, tonight," he responds, "and in the role of Michael Corleone – the Archangel Raphael."

"You mind telling us what you mean?"

Balthazar ignores his question again while digging through dad's desk, he starts moaning and groaning because he can't find something but then starts in excitement because it was tucked into a hidden bottom in the top drawer; how the hell did he know that was there?

"Your Mr. Singer does keep a beautiful pantry," he tells us.

"Thanks, I'll let him know you said so," I mutter and he looks up at me, "I've heard your tongue is sharp, but it's even sharper in person, Melanie."

"Wait, Raphael is after you?" Dean asks.

This makes the Angel laugh, "Raphael is after us all, you see he's consolidated his strength and now he's on the move."

"And where's Cass?" I ask.

"Oh Cassie? He is deep, deep underground. So, good old Raffy put out a hit list on every last Samaritan who helped our dear Cass – including you three. And so much more importantly; me. See, he wants to draw Cass out in the open."

"And you expect us to just believe you?" I snap, "I just met you and you ooze self-indulgence and...and oversized ego."

"Oh don't,' he shakes his head, "you'll go where I throw you anyway."

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